18 March
Hysteroscopy revealed a polyp of the cervical canal, it was removed, but there are plenty of micropolips. May I do IVF or they should be treated?
Usually, all polyps are removed at therapeutic and diagnostic hysteroscopy. It makes no sense to leave them in the uterus cavity. I think that if manipulation such as "Hysteroscopy with separate diagnostic curettage" was done, you have no polyps now and may safely prepare for IVF.
Services and programs
Second opinion in otolaryngology
Having more information about the diagnosis and consulting with different specialists, the patient and his relatives will be able to make the right decision about the need and type of treatment.
Home visit
At home
Sometimes it is hard to come to the clinic to see the doctor, but the immediate attention of a specialist is needed. In such cases, the best solution is to request a doctor for a house call. In the Emergency Department at EMC a team of highly qualified doctors are on call and are ready at any moment to come to the rescue of both adults and children.