
My mom had a mole (suspected for melanoma) removed in November 2015. Histology revealed lentigo melanoma in situ. We checked the slides back in the Netherlands, and the diagnosis was a superficial spreading melanoma of Clark 3 Т1а Beslow 0,8 stage; re-excision with capture of 1 cm of healthy skin is recommended. Is it possible to make re-excision and subsequent histology in your hospital? If so, how soon?

We absolutely agree with the opinion of the European colleagues: re-excision with a wider offset is required; according to the Russian Protocol it is necessary to move 2 cm from the peripheral edge. This is for counter insurance, as lentigo-melanoma is a favorable type, and previous surgery is likely to put an end to this story and the forecast is favorable. All the necessary manipulations for the study are possible in our Clinic; we have our own well-equipped laboratory with the possibility to ask the advice concerning the sample in Germany and Israel. You should make an appointment with the surgeon-oncologist (Marina Bissessar) in the nearest time to conduct the diagnostic re-excision. Hope to help!

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