Preparing for the visit - EMC
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The European Medical Center (EMC) offers a wide range of medical services and seeks to maintain a superior level of customer service. A very important component of medical care is, in our view, to inform our patients and their families of their rights and responsibilities in EMC.
At your first visit to the clinic we ask that you have with you a document verifying your identify and your medical insurance policy (if you have one).
On the day of your first visit, please arrive 30 minutes early for your patient treatment card to be issued and to sign the agreement for the delivery of health services.
You will be met by reception personnel who will issue all necessary documents and then a doctor"s assistant will escort you to your consultation.
At subsequent visits, we would appreciate it if you would arrive 5 to 10 minutes before your scheduled consultation. If you must cancel a consultation, we ask that you give us advance notice.

Conclusion of a contract with EMC

Payment methods

Medical tourism

We accept payment