Bone cells are renewed continuously. A complete renewal takes 7-10 years on average. Over the years, the renewal process slows down, and the bones become thinner and more fragile because of metabolic changes.

With osteoporosis, bone density decreases: the plates and tubes that make up the bone become thinner. As a rule, the disease develops asymptomatically and the person does not suspect anything until the moment of the fracture. In the advanced stages of osteoporosis, fracture can occur even with a minor impact or minimal heavy lifting. To prevent this, it is important to regularly undergo diagnostics and take measures for prevention or treatment.

Densitometry - an assessment of bone density - is recommended for women over 50 and men over 55. Densitometry evaluates the condition of bones - their mineral density and ability to withstand load. It is carried out in just 1 minute using an ultra-precise X-ray densitometer and does not require preparation. ⠀

Regular screening makes it possible to timely carry out preventive and therapeutic measures and prevent the development of the disease.

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