Modern women have an opportunity to make decisions without regard to age.

Today there is a pronounced tendency to shift childbirth to a later age all over the world, since modern women have become more focused on career success and personal growth.

But biological clock do not stop. Every year the ovarian reserve depletes and the quality of the oocytes deteriorates. This happens quickly especially after 35 years old.

There is a solution. Thanks to the oocyte cryopreservation program, modern women have an opportunity to make decisions without regard to age. In a cryobank oocytes can be stored indefinitely. They remain "young." When a woman realizes that she is ready for motherhood, she returns to the clinic and experts help her to get the desired pregnancy.

The optimal age for freezing is up to 35 years.

Cryopreservation is also recommended for women who have a tendency to decrease ovarian reserve at any age or have a burdened hereditary history of early menopause (before the age of 50).

European Medical Center provides the program “postponed motherhood” at the service of patients. It includes the preparatory stage (diagnostics necessary for entry into the program, consultation of the reproductive specialist, ultrasound) and the main stage (stimulation, obtaining oocytes, freezing and storage).

Biological material is stored in the own cryobank of EMC. A woman can return for oocytes at any time and immediately enter the IVF protocol with the same doctor who conducted the patient in the “postponed maternity” program.

Call +7 (499) 370 49 43, ext. 4648.


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