Last week the Dental Clinic received another foreign delegation. -Six world-renowned dental implantologists from Spain, France and the United Arab Emirates took part in the master class of immediate implantation of Saddle Implant Technology (SIT) system, organized by Philippe Dacremont, the author of this system, a leading Dental Clinic implantologist.
The master-class included two surgeries.  The first patient had a metal-ceramic prosthesis in the upper jaw installed  many years ago. The scheduled check-up revealed  chronic periodontitis, and so the patient was offered a replacement of the structure. All the teeth were removed with simultaneous installation of six implants. An additional stabilizing plate was installed on the implants, bearing the greatest load, to guarantee the engraftment in the long-term period. The second patient had two teeth missing in the posterior section of the denture on one side. He had 2 implants with a single stabilization plate SIT installed. The day after the installation of hybrid structures on fixed implants patients sport a beautiful smile and full-value new teeth.
Having completed the practical part of the master-class, Dr.Philip Dacremont informed the participants about the specifics of the installation of the system, highlighted difficult clinical cases in which SIT application gives the best results. An important aspect is that this system can be installed in patients with diabetes and other opportunistic infections, which may be a contraindication to immediate implantation.
Following the master-class we talked with the participants: Dr. Raphaël Serfaty, a fellow of the French Society of Periodontology, implantologist, Dr. Kadhim Al-Himdani, head of the Department of maxillofacial surgery and implantology at the medical faculty of Dijon and craniofacial surgeon, implantologist,   a Professor of Dental implantology and Dental rehabilitation at the University of Paris. All the foreign experts were impressed by the scale of the multidisciplinary hospital in Shchepkina Street and converged in the opinion of the high level of high-tech medical care provided here thanks to the availability of equipment and specialists.
"I have been practicing immediate implantation for more than 15 years and find this method the most effective for the patient. There are several criteria that an implantologist should take into consideration: first, the geometry of the implant, secondly, the quality of the implant-abutment connection and, thirdly, the expertise of the surgeon. To achieve a good aesthetic result, we must carry out preoperative planning and 3D simulation to choose the optimal structure and calculate the place of installation. And, of course, we need to create good conditions for the installation of the implant in the gum. By following these rules, we will always achieve long-term positive results in immediate implantation. I think that many things that seem to be innovative, really aren't. But with regard to the high retention (High Retention System), presented today at the master class, it can be said that I have come across such a technique for the stabilization of the implant for the first time, and it is well worth my attention. I often receive patients who lack  teeth in the upper or lower jaw completely, and, usually, using traditional methods for immediate implantation can lead to a considerable loss of time to  restore  stability of the implant in the gum, if the quality of the bone is not high. Using the system, that has been demonstrated, you can complete the  entire process quickly and at the right level. Of course, such a system requires good training and experience in the implantation of a surgeon ", -shared Dr.  Serfaty.
"An immediate implantation is a very delicate technique. You can definitely say that it cannot be offered to each and every patient. However, there are some indications for its implementation, such as when we need to preserve the bone, especially in the area of the front teeth. My experience of implementation of this technology in everyday practice is 30 years long: I was among the first surgeons in the world who began to apply this technique, when many did not even think about it. Then  a series of scientific articles under my authorship was published, and the international dental community began discussing it and trying to implement it. Now immediate implantation is practically a traditional procedure in many clinics around the world. Having had experience with various systems, I can note that the Saddle Implant Technology is very interesting. It is good for certain indications: when we need to ensure primary stability of the immediate implantation, as well as in cases where an ultrashort implant should be used without a loss of primary stability as a substitute for bone grafting in patients with inadequate bone volume or  with contraindications for large  surgical interventions. It is ideal in cases where  quantity or quality of bone is insufficient. It is clear that the stabilization system SIT as a know-how is required in complex cases, which have been demonstrated at today’s master-class, and the procedure requires a surgeon with many years of experience, such as that of Dr. Philip Dacremont", -said Dr. Kadhim Al-Himdani.
The patients of the Dental Clinic are almost never refused immediate implantation, which is not because Dental Clinic dentists like to take risk, but because we can render skilled help in the most difficult cases.