Name ЦЕНА, У.Е.* Price, ₽ Code
Specialist house call within Moscow 358 38 846 DHC75
Specialist house call up to 10 km from Moscow 424 46 008 DHC76
Specialist house call up to 30 km from Moscow 535 58 052 DHC77
Specialist house call up to 50 km from Moscow 656 71 181 DHC78
Gastroenterologist consultation for children up to 18 years old 220 23 872 CS61
Nephrologist consultation 220 23 872 CS62
Rheumatologist consultation (specialty Pediatrics) 220 23 872 CS126
Infectious disease doctor consultation (specialty Pediatrics) 220 23 872 CS127
Pulmonologist сonsultation 220 23 872 CS57
Endocrinologist consultation 220 23 872 CS10
Neurologist examination with house call within Moscow 570 61 850 DHC41
Neurologist examination with house call up to 10 km from Moscow 626 67 926 DHC42
Neurologist examination with house call up to 30 km from Moscow 747 81 056 DHC43
Neurologist examination with house call up to 50 km from Moscow 867 94 077 DHC44
Psychiatrist examination with house call within Moscow 590 64 020 DHC12
Psychiatrist examination with house call up to 10 km from Moscow 636 69 011 DHC13
Psychiatrist examination with house call up to 50 km from Moscow 828 89 845 DHC15
Psychiatrist examination with house call up to 30 km from Moscow 733 79 537 DHC14