Name ЦЕНА, У.Е.* Price, ₽ Code
Ophthalmology Clinic
CONSULTATIONS > Specialist's consultation
Ophthalmologist consultation 220 23 872 CS5
Ophthalmologist remote consultation 220 23 872 RCS5
Vision field examination 45 4 883 OPHT1
Corneal topography 45 4 883 OPHT2
Conjunctival injection 45 4 883 OPHT3
Foreign body removal from conjunctiva 45 4 883 OPHT4
Para-bulbar injection 45 4 883 OPHT5
Foreign bodies removal from cornea 45 4 883 OPHT6
Lacrimal ducts washing 45 4 883 OPHT7
Gonioscopy 45 4 883 OPHT8
Sciascopy or/and refractometry in state of cycloplegia 45 4 883 OPHT14
Synoptophore test 45 4 883 OPHT15
Ultrasound pachymetry 45 4 883 OPHT16
Intraocular pressure measurement 45 4 883 OPHT17
A-modes echobiometry 45 4 883 OPHT25
Level В
Intra-bulbar injection 267 28 972 OPHT9
Lacrimal duct obturating (1 eye) 267 28 972 OPHT24
Lacrimal duct obturating 534 57 943 OPHT10
Ocular fundus scanning 112 12 153 OPHT12
Corneal stitches removal 380 41 233 OPHT13
Laser iridectomy 1 209 131 187 SOPH.1
Retinal photocoagulation 1 209 131 187 SOPH.3
Laser scission of secondary cataract 1 209 131 187 SOPH.4
Vitreolysis 1 209 131 187 SOPH.5
Eyelid papilloma removal 1 209 131 187 SOPH.8
Panretinal photocoagulation / diode laser 1 860 201 825 SOPH.17
Macular edema coagulation (1 eye) 1 209 131 187 OPHT18
Optical coherence fundus/corneography (one eye)  221 23 980 OPHT21
Optical coherence fundus/corneography (two eyes) 380 41 233 OPHT22
Follow-up optical coherence fundus/corneography 127 13 781 OPHT23
Probing and bougienage of lacrimal ducts under local anesthesia 267 28 972 OPHT26
Retinal angiography (1 eye) 221 23 980 OPHT27
Retinal angiography (2 eyes) 380 41 233 OPHT28
Follow-up retinal angiography 114 12 370 OPHT29
Orthoptic treatment by heterophthalmia and amblyopia (1 session) 127 13 781 OPHT11_S
Level C
Staged retinal laser coagulation of increased complexity (1 eye) 2 404 260 854 OPHT19
Staged panretinal coagulation (1 eye) 3 163 343 212 OPHT20
Chalasion removal 1 209 131 187 SOPH2
Cyst/atheroma/xanthelasma/lipoma/ eyelid lesion removal 1 209 131 187 SOPH5
Foreign body removal from eye 1 209 131 187 SOPH6
Pterygium removal 1 209 131 187 SOPH7
Eyelid abscessectomy 1 209 131 187 SOPH9
Endovitreal injection 1 209 131 187 SOPH10
Additional silicone injection into the eye 747 81 056 SOPH33
Silicone washout from the anterior chamber 380 41 233 SOPH34
Intravitreous injection (medication non-included) 443 48 069 SOPH35
Probing and bougienage of lacrimal ducts under general anastesia 1 209 131 187 SOPH37
Level B
Intralase/laser correction 2 138 231 991 SOPH24
Lasik /laser correction 1 860 201 825 SOPH11
Extracapsular cataract extraction + IOL (intraocular lens) 1 860 201 825 SOPH12
Antiglaucomatous surgery 1 860 201 825 SOPH13
Eyelid plasty 1 973 214 087 SOPH14
Operation due to eye injury 1 973 214 087 SOPH15
Strabismus repair 1 860 201 825 SOPH16
Planned revision of the vitreoretinal cavity 2 012 218 319 SOPH38
Intraocular lens anckoring in case of decentration 1 265 137 263 SOPH39
Anterior vitrectomy 1 898 205 949 SOPH40
Removal of a silicone filling fron the eye 1 632 177 086 SOPH41
Level C
Lasik with custom wave print 2 230 241 974 SOPH18
Phacoemulsification + IOL 2 230 241 974 SOPH19
Phacoemulsification/phacoemulsification of cataract (IOL not included) 4 175 453 022 SOPH20
Intralase with custom wave print 2 404 260 854 SOPH25
Phacoemulsification of complicated cataract + IOL 4 542 492 845 SOPH42
Antiglaucomatous surgery with drainage 2 974 322 704 SOPH43
Extracapsular cataract extraction (IOL cost not included) 2 530 274 526 SOPH46
Level D
Lasik by presbyopia 3 088 335 074 SOPH21
Operation due to retinal detachment 3 088 335 074 SOPH22
Vitrectomy 5 174 561 422 SOPH23
Vitrectomy, removal of silicone with the replacement of gas 3 277 355 582 SOPH32
Vtreoretinal surgery of the highest rank of complexity 6 439 698 685 SOPH44
Phacoemulsification/ phacoemulsification of cataract + multifocal IOL 5 060 549 052 SOPH45
Enucleation/Evisceration of eyeball 1 973 214 087 SOPH48
Removal of orbital cavity tumor 1 323 143 556 SOPH49