Yutkin Evgeny

- Adults only
In 1996 graduated K.I. Skryabin Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biology. After graduating from the Academy in 1996, he began full-time postgraduate study. About 7 years was engaged in research work in the field of mammalian embryology.
The main direction: microinjection of recombinant structures into the pronucleus of mammalian zygotes and nuclear transplantation. He has extensive practical experience in the cultivation of various cell lines. Possesses all the basic skills in the field of reproductive embryologists. She regularly takes part in professional seminars and conferences.
2002 - completed an internship at Ludwig-Maximillian University in Munich, where he mastered the foreign method of transplanting somatic cell nuclei into enucleated oocytes, with the aim of cloning animals;
2009 - practical course at Ulm University (Germany) on cryopreservation of ovarian tissue by vitrification;
2010 - Clinical Embryology Course at David Morroll, comp. Origgio, Copenhagen, Denmark;
2011 - training on embryo culture from Vitrolife, Gothenberg, Sweden;
2012 - a professional continuing education program of the FMBA of Russia “Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics”.
In 2012 - advanced training of the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education in St. Petersburg State Medical University named after IPPavlova "Assisted reproductive technologies and practical embryology."
He is a guest lecturer at the scientific and educational center for assisted reproductive technologies named after Frederick Paulsen FSBI "NTsAGIP im.VI.Kulakova".
Fellow of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences of young scientists, laureate of the National Crystal Tube Prize, 2010, winner of the Prize named after V. A. Lukin "Embryologist of the year."
ICSI, IMSI, PIXI, vitrification of oocytes and embryos, auxiliary hatching, biopsy of blastomeres, polar bodies, trofectoderm, fish diagnostics.
Author of 17 scientific publications on embryology, regularly participates in professional seminars and conferences.
Russian, English
Юткин Евгений