Suchorukov Oleg
- Adults only
1997 – graduated from Ivanovo State Medical Academy.
1999 – graduated the clinical internship on general surgery, Faculty of advanced studies in State Medical Academy, Ivanovo.
2010 - defended his thesis on "The short and medium-long-term results of coronary arteries’ stenting with drug-eluting stents «Cypher» of patients withIschemic heart disease".
2004 – Specialized in devices implanting to treat the patients with heart rhythm disorders, Germany.
2006 - Internship in cardiology at the State Institute of Cardiology, Budapest(Hungary).
2008 - Internship on complex interventions on coronary arteries, Berlin(Germany).
2009 - Training on indications and use of bifurcation stents in the Erasmus Centre,Rotterdam (Netherlands).
2011 - Training on complex rhythm disorders (course of Josephson and Wellens), Vienna (Austria).
2011 - Studying on indications and technique of implantation of the valveCOREVALVE (Medtronic) for transcatheter aortic valve replacement, Toloshena(Switzerland).
2012 - Studying on indications and technique of implantation of the valveSAPHIEN (Edwards), Munich (Germany).
2012 – Internship in the clinic of University of Geneva (Switzerland).
1999-2004 – Worked as X-ray surgeon in X-ray surgery diagnostics and treatment Department, Ivanovo Regional hospital. 2012 – present time - Proctor in Medtronic-Academy on training the specialists in the x-ray surgery.
2013 - Studying and practical course on the use of biodegradable stents Absorb,Geneva (Switzerland).
2013 - Training course on the treatment of arrhythmias of the European Association of cardiac arrhythmias, Berlin (Germany).
The doctor performs the entire spectrum of diagnostic and treatment interventions on the coronary arteries, aortal branches and extremities’ arteries, includingballoon angioplasty, stenting, embolization, implantation of stent grafts andbiosoluble scaffolds, methods and techniques of transcatheter aortic valve replacement for high risk and elder age patients, technique of the carotid arteriesstenting of stenosing lesions, technique of implantation of peripheral self-expandingand balloon-dilating stents, technique of implantation and removal of vena cava filters, technique of uterine and prostate arteries embolization. The doctor has experience in performing the procedure of radiofrequency denervation of renal arteries due to resistant arterial hypertension.
In arrhythmology: The doctor masters the technique of implantation devices for long-term ECG recording, the technique of implantation and follow-up control ofsingle and dual chamber pacemakers of all manufacturers, the technique of implantation and subsequent monitoring (including remote) of cardioverter-defibrillators of all manufacturers, the technique of implantation devices for cardiac resynchronization therapy (including cardioverter-defibrillator function) of all manufacturers.
The doctor has authored and co-authored over 100 publications in national and international medical journals.
Russian, English, German.
Сухоруков Олег