Shapoval Olga

Graduated from the Faculty of Pediatrics of the Russian State Medical University of Moscow (N.I. Pirogov Moscow Order of Lenin State Medical University) in 1997. After completing an internship in pediatrics at the Dzerhinskiy Children’s City Hospital No. 9, she accepted the offer to stay at the hospital in the Radiology Department. She completed the initial training in radiology at the Moscow University of Medicine and Dentistry.
From 1998 to February 2013, she worked as a radiologist at the multidisciplinary Speranskiy Children’s Hospital No. 9. Since 2007, she has been organizing and running the tomography service at the Children’s City Hospital No. 9, and she has conducted and reviewed the results of a study in children with neurological, neurosurgical, urology and otorhinolaryngological pathology, as well as a study of children with multiple trauma, and has advised clinicians on the possibilities and limitations of high-tech procedures.
Mastered all areas of research methodologies and systems in children from birth to 15 years.
X-ray, CT, MRI in pediatrics.
Takes an active part in the work of specialized conferences, congresses, forums and meetings.
Шаповал Ольга