Kravchenko Dmitriy

In 2000 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Medico - Social Rehabilitation on the basis of Russian State Medical University, specialty "Medical Affairs".
In 2001 he underwent internship on the basis of State Hospital No.15 named after O.M.Filatov in Moscow in "General Surgery".
In 2003 he passed the training series "Selected questions of anesthesiology and critical care medicine" in the Research Institute of General Resuscitation of Russian Academy of Medical Science.
In 2006 he passed retraining in the specialty "Anesthesiology and Intensive Care" in the Research Institute of General Medical Sciences resuscitation.
In 2006-2007. in the Russian State Medical University took a course specialization "Anesthesiology and Intensive Care." Since 2005, studies for the degree of candidate of medical sciences.
He has working experience in intensive care units. Works in planned and emergency anesthesiology. From 2001 to 2012 he worked in the City Clinical Hospital №15 named after O.M.Filatov as anaesthetist.
Mastered all the modern methods of anesthesia (endotracheal anesthesia, total intravenous anesthesia, spinal, epidural, regional anesthesia), and combination of those. Central venous catheterization with different methods. Proficient in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The average number of anesthetics per year - 900-1000.
"Spinal anesthesia in emergency surgical interventions in patients with extensive phlegmon of soft tissues of the lower extremities," Journal of Intensive Care, 2005, Moscow, p.42.
"Study of parameters of central hemodynamics and respiratory function in patients with extensive phlegmon of soft tissues of the lower extremities during and after spinal anesthesia ", the 9th scientific Conference" Diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the regulation of the cardiovascular system", Moscow, 2007, p.32.
Кравченко Дмитрий