Gershevskaya Aleksandra

- Adults and children
Graduated from Samara State Medical University, Faculty of General Medicine in 2016.
In 2016-2017 and 2017-2019 completed residency in the specialty ENT at the Moscow Regional Scientific Clinical Institute named after M.F. Vladimirsky.
The training took place at the children and adult hospital, the doctor devoted the entire residency to the problems of Otology.
In 2020 underwent a course of professional retraining at the Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education in the specialty Audiology and Otorhinolaryngology.
Participation in conferences, congresses:
- Master class with international participation “Comprehensive treatment of patients with diseases of the nose, paranasal sinuses. Skull base surgery", 2016
- Scientific and practical conference of otorhinolaryngologists of the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation "Modern issues in Otorhinolaryngology", 2016
- XV Moscow Scientific and Practical Conference "Pharmacological and Physical methods of treatment in Otorhinolaryngology", 2017
- 2nd educational course of the scientific and practical educational school "Topical issues in pediatric Otorhinolaryngology", 2017
- "Pharmacotherapy of the ENT diseases from the perspective of evidence-based medicine", 2018
- "Rational use of antimicrobial agents and implementation of measures to restrain antibiotic resistance in practical healthcare", 2019
- VII International Interdisciplinary Congress on Head and Neck Diseases, 2019
- Interregional Scientific Practical conference "Actual issues of an interdisciplinary approach to the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with head and neck diseases", 2020
- XXV Jubilee Scientific Practical Conference "Pharmacotherapy of diseases of the ear, nose and throat from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine", 2020
- Annual conference of the Russian Society of Rhinologists with international participation, 2020
- Scientific and practical conference with international participation "XII Pluzhnikov readings", 2020
Beginning of the medical career
Starts working at EMC
Licenses and certificates

Сертификат о членстве в Национальной медицинской ассоциации сурдологов

Certificate International Society of Audilogy

Удостоверение о повышении квалификации#Дата выдачи 12.10.2021

Сертификаты участника конференций

Свидетельства о прохождении обучения

Сертификаты участника Конгрессов

Сертификаты участника конференций

Сертификаты участника Конгрессов

Сертификаты участника конференций

Сертификаты участника Конгрессов

Свидетельства о прохождении обучения

Свидетельства о прохождении обучения

Свидетельства участника учебных мероприятий

Свидетельства участника учебных мероприятий
Beginning of the medical career
Starts working at EMC
Your questions are answered
Гершевская Александра
Гершевская Александра
Articles by other authors
07 October 2019