Bezdolny Yuri

Bezdolny Yuri

Functional diagnostics doctor, Neurologist
Parkinsonology, Ph.D. of Medical Sciences
Bezdolny Yuri
  • Adults only


Specializes in the management of patients with Parkinson's disease and other extrapyramidal disorders of the nervous system. He deals with neurophysiology issues in Central and peripheral nervous system pathologies.

  • Parkinson's disease and atypical Parkinson's disease (multisystem atrophy, progressive supranuclear palsy, cortico-basal degeneration), diffuse Lewy body disease, secondary Parkinson's disease and parkinsonism in hereditary multisystem disease (Fahr disease, lenticular progressive degeneration);

  • motor disorders in the extrapyramidal system disorders of the brain: dystonia, chorea, tremor;

  • neurosurgical technologies in the extrapyramidal disorders treatment, methods of selection for surgical treatment;

  • functional tests in Parkinson's disease;

  • peripheral nervous system disorders: mono / polyneuropathy of different origin;

  • neurofunctional tests in neurology (ENMG, EMG, TMS, EP, cognitive EP).

He defended his thesis on "Clinical and epidemiological features of various types of Parkinson’s disease", developing guidelines for Parkinson’s disease research in a metropolis.

Beginning of the medical career
Starts working at EMC



Russian, English

Beginning of the medical career
Starts working at EMC
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