Batyrshina Adelia

Graduated with honors from the Moscow Medical Academy named after Sechenov. Then she underwent clinical residency and postgraduate course in MMA named after Sechenov. In 2010 she defended her thesis for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences in the field of thoracic oncology.
She worked in the departments of anesthesiology and intensive care units at the Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Oncology named after P.A. Herzen, Urology Clinic of Clinical Center of the Moscow Medical Academy named after Sechenov and at Clinical Oncology Dispensary №1 in Moscow. Mastered all the modern techniques of general anesthesia, and all kinds of neuraxial local anesthesia.
Anesthesia in neurosurgery, neurosurgery, thoracic surgery, treatment of chronic pain.
Russian, English, French.
Батыршина Аделя