Internal Medicine Clinic
In the European health care system general practitioner (GP) is a first point of contact with the medical system for the patients.
What is general practitioner? First of all this is a medical expert with knowledge and skills in many specific areas of medicine. Western general practitioner is an expert who has studied for about 10 years, has knowledge in all medical areas to provide continuing and comprehensive health care for the patients of all ages. This medical specialty emphasizes integral care and long-term relationships between family doctor and a patient.
Family doctors deliver a wide spectrum of medical care services, ranging from diagnosing, treating illnesses and providing routine check-ups, immunization and screening tests, to personalized counseling.
Family medicine is a time-saving and cost-effective method of treatment for it incorporates the elements of knowledge and skills of most medical fields, resulting in accuracy of diagnosis and high effectiveness of treatments.
Annual preventive examinations are one of the fundamentals of the European health care. Regular examinations enable early-detection of many diseases; prevent their development and maintain good health for many years. We are happy to state that more and more people in Russia with greater responsibility take care of their health and undergo annual complex medical examinations. Our clinic is offering a number of special programs ANNUAL CHECK-UP FOR PEOPLE BEFORE 40 YEARS OF AGE for our private and corporate clients, including consultations, diagnostics, laboratory tests and instrumental examinations in our clinic.
Name Price, € Price, ₽ Code
CONSULTATIONS > Specialist's consultation
Duty Doctor Consultation 220 20 594 CS1
General practitioner consultation 220 20 594 CS2
Endocrinologist consultation 220 20 594 CS10
Infectious disease doctor consultation 220 20 594 CS77
Geneticist consultation 253 23 683 CS78
Dietician-nutritionist consultation 253 23 683 CS82
Geneticist consultation on family planning 154 14 416 CS92
Geneticist consultation for reproductive materials donors 89 8 331 CS93
Compilation of a personal nutrition plan based on a request, the results of medical examinations, body characteristics, food intolerance, taste preferences, exercise and daily routine 1 214 113 641 CS96
Clinical pharmacologist consultation 220 20 594 CS101