Internal Medicine Clinic
European Medical Center provides with a wide range of genetic tests:
  • Testing of a couple planning pregnancy,
  • Screening test for mutation carrier state in the genes of the most common hereditary diseases,
  • Genetic testing for oncological diseases predisposition,
  • Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) – prenatal genetic investigation of the fetus for the most frequent chromosomal syndromes (Down syndrome and others) using mother’s blood and other genetic tests.

Furthermore EMC proposes complex genetic screening – an advanced investigation of the human DNA features for early risk detection and prevention of different diseases, daily meal and physical activity correction – almost 400 individual features specified by genes.
Received the results of genetic testing the EMC patients have an opportunity to get a consultation of the leading EMC specialists – fertility specialists, genetics specialists, pediatricians, dietitians and others. 56 medical fields are presented in EMC for complex investigation and treatment of patients with any diseases.
Name Price, € Price, ₽ Code
CONSULTATIONS > Specialist's consultation
Duty Doctor Consultation 220 20 736 CS1
General practitioner consultation 220 20 736 CS2
Endocrinologist consultation 220 20 736 CS10
Infectious disease doctor consultation 220 20 736 CS77
Geneticist consultation 253 23 847 CS78
Dietician-nutritionist consultation 253 23 847 CS82
Geneticist consultation on family planning 154 14 515 CS92
Geneticist consultation for reproductive materials donors 89 8 389 CS93
Compilation of a personal nutrition plan based on a request, the results of medical examinations, body characteristics, food intolerance, taste preferences, exercise and daily routine 1 214 114 427 CS96
Clinical pharmacologist consultation 220 20 736 CS101
ЕМС Orlovsky
7, Orlovsky pereulok, Moscow, 129090
Парковка: пн-сб, кроме праздников, с 8 до 21 ч — 50 руб/30 мин, далее 150 руб/ч; с 21 до 8 ч — 60 руб/ч
Work hours: 24/7
ЕМС Orlovsky
EMC Spiridonievsky
5/1, Spiridonievsky pereulok, Moscow, 123104
Парковка: пн-вс, кроме праздников, с 8 до 21 ч — 450 руб/ч;
 с 21 до 8 ч — 200 руб/ч
Work hours:
EMC Spiridonievsky