European Clinic of Sports Traumatology and Orthopedics

Before Arthroscopic Surgery
Preoperative examination, which takes the patient just a few hours in EMC, includes all necessary laboratory tests, chest x-ray (fluoroscopy), consultation with an anestesiologist, general practitioner and other specialists if any specific diseases are present.The attending physician and anesthesiologist are to be informed as soon as possible if the patient takes any medications, including those influencing blood clotting, or estrogen-containing medications (oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy, etc. for women) and in the case of women with childbearing potential, to assign the relevant additional examination.
Hospitalization takes place in the morning on the day of surgery; recent water and solid food intake should be not less than 6 hours before surgical intervention.
The following types of anesthesia are ussually used in arthroscopy:
• General intravenous anaesthesia
• Epidural (spinal) anesthesia
At the time of the arthroscopy, the patient is steeped into an artificial drug-induced sleep.
Course of Surgery
After antiseptic treatment videocamera and the instrumenrs are inserted into the joint through tiny pinholes and the joint is inflated with sterile saline. Since the operation is minimally invasive (less traumatic way), the rehabilitation period is faster and the patient experiences less pain in the postoperative period. In the European clinic of sports traumatology and orthopedics ECSTO, with precision optics and thin instruments it is possible to review and operate on areas of the joint that difficult to access and not visible and not available when using open approaches. Arthroscopy in Moscow
One of the main advantages of arthroscopy in the European clinic of sports traumatology and Orthopaedics is the possibility of treating multiple lesions in the joint (combined pathology) simultaneously, usind minimal invasive arthroscopic method rather then open techcics.For example, unlike many clinics in Moscow, in ECSTO reconstruction of massive full tears of the rotator cuff is performed arthroscopically.
In difficult cases, if it is impossible to confirm diagnosis basen on clinical examination data, x-ray, CT and MRI results diagnostic arthroscopy is performed. In many cases, however, arthroscopy involves not only diagnosis but also treatment of the disease.
If x-ray control is reqwuired, in ECSTO it is performed in the operating room. X-ray control enables the surgeon to ascertain whether there has been complete resection of the damaged bone fragments, and check the correct position of fixators installed, etc.
After Arthroscopy
After surgery, the patient is transferred to the recovery room of the intensive care unit. Department staff will monitor the patient's condition until he regains consciousness. After awakening and stabilizing the patient's condition, he is transferred to the regular ward. As a rule, patient is discharged on the first or second day after surgery. He gets prescriptions and recommendations of the attending physician and a rehabilitologist . The sutures will be removed after 14 days; up to this moment the patient should be careful during hygienic procedures, so as not to wet place of the surgical field.Arthroscopy. Rehabilitation
After arthroscopy rehabilitation begins immediately, in a sparing mode. A rehabilitologist begins exercises with the patient in the ward. After discharge, the patient should visit the Rehabilitation Department to complete the necessary procedures according to the schedule agreed with the rehabilitologist.Depending on the extent of the surgery recovery after arthroscopy can take from several weeks to several months. Sessions with a physiotherapist are aimed at the gradual development of an adequate range of motion in the joint, reduction of pain and a gradual return to a normal active lifestyle.
Arthroscopy. Prices
You can check prices for arthroscopy, as well as recovery after arthroscopy at ECSTO Rehabilitation Department with the ECSTO assistants.If You have a conclusion on the necessity of surgery obtained in other health facilities, you can contact us for free second opinion - the doctor advice you whether the surgery is really indicated, what surgical technique is better in your case, which European standards exist. If you wish a budget for surgery at European medical center can be calculated.
We return the joy of movement!
Name | Price, € | Price, ₽ | Code |
CONSULTATIONS > Specialist's consultation
Orthopedist consultation | 220 € | 20 241 ₽ | CS17 |
Orthopedist supervision of one patient | 1 518 € | 139 660 ₽ | ASST35 |
ЕМС Orlovsky
7, Orlovsky pereulok, Moscow, 129090
Парковка: пн-сб, кроме праздников,
с 8 до 21 ч — 50 руб/30 мин, далее 150 руб/ч;
с 21 до 8 ч — 60 руб/ч
Work hours: 24/7
+7 (495) 933-66-55

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