Children's clinic
Pediatrician is your child’s main physician, so we refer to him with any health problem our child has. If your child has a recurrent rhinitis, cough, ear pain or stomachache, if your little one does nor eat well, or, conversely, is a little too plump, if a child has toilet problems, unexplained rashes on the body, allergy or fever, consult your pediatrician.
Our doctors receive patients from 9.00 to 21.00 and make house calls to sick children 24 hours a day 7 days a week. All stuff of EMC Children's clinic speaks English.
We advise and prescribe therapy only in accordance with the principles of evidence-based medicine. You can be sure that your child does not get prescription for any extra tests or medicines. In a case of child with high fever though, a doctor will prescribe the required analyses to obtain information on whether the infection is viral or bacterial. Such conditions as sore throat, flu, RS virus, urinary tract infection, pneumonia, sinusitis, or hypertrophy of adenoids are diagnosed immediately during the appointment.
At the time of appointment our physicians also conduct the full range of preventive measures, traditional for national pediatric practice:
  • newborn home nursing, and care within the first year of life on monthly basis (advice on breastfeeding, vaccinations, including developing individual plan of vaccinations, introduction of complementary foods, assessment of child growth and development);
  • annual checkups required for all children, and especially teenagers, vaccination;
  • medical records for school or preschool (forms 026 and 063) within 3 days. To do this, you must bring all your child’s immunization records, urine and feces tests; do a blood test, and scraping for enterobiosis in our laboratory on the day of appointment;
  • medical certificates are issued to children after the appointment;
  • certificates required for swimming pools: after examination and stool ova parasites test and enterobiosis test (1-2 days);
  • certificate of health (form 079) for children going to summer camps – on the day of consultation;
  • documents on health status, excerpts from medical records can be ordered in any of the four languages – Russian, English, French, German.

EMC Pediatric clinic offers round-the-clock pediatric consultations and medical care.
The doctors of our clinic, well-known to many of our patients, make house calls during daytime,7 days a week. If a child is sick, has high fever, is feeling ill, a pediatrician will make a house call, take blood, urine, feces, strep infection and flu tests if necessary and make a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe treatment. If a child requires further examination, the pediatrician would advise a visit to a clinic, where we have x-ray room, ultrasound, and other consulting specialists.
Polyclinic pediatricians also make primary home visits the newborns in the first week of life, consult and advise on breastfeeding and newborn care and daily routines. All vaccinations and consultations with other medical professionals are performed in the clinic only.
Name Price, € Price, ₽ Code
Pediatrician consultation 220 20 594 CS6
Vaccination administration 220 20 594 CS23
Examination for children aged from 0 to 1 years old 220 20 594 CS24
Gastroenterologist consultation for children up to 18 years old 220 20 594 CS61
Pediatrician Consultation (pre-natal) 220 20 594 CS73
Pediatric Gynecologist Consultation 220 20 594 CS118
Pediatric Gynaecologist Consultation including Diagnostic procedures 340 31 827 CS119
Rheumatologist consultation (specialty Pediatrics) 220 20 594 CS126
Duty Pediatritian Consultation (specialty ER for children, Pediatrics) 220 20 594 CS129
Pediatrician remote consultation 220 20 594 RCS6
EMC Spiridonievsky
5/1, Spiridonievsky pereulok, Moscow, 123104
Парковка: пн-вс, кроме праздников, с 8 до 21 ч — 450 руб/ч;
 с 21 до 8 ч — 200 руб/ч
Work hours:
EMC Spiridonievsky
Rehabilitation center
187, Rublevo-Uspenskoe shosse
Парковка – бесплатно
Work hours: Daily from 8.00 to 20.00
Rehabilitation center