Children's clinic
The specialists of the Department of Neurology at the EMC Children’s Clinic are involved in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the most common childhood neurological disorders:
  • headaches of different genesis, including persistent and chronic ones;
  • ticks (facial spasms), stuttering;
  • enuresis;
  • attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and other conditions affecting school performance;
  • concussions of the brain, febrile convulsions, episodes of loss of consciousness.

All stuff of EMC Children's clinic speaks English.
One of the Children’s Clinic Neurology department priorities is participation in the multidisciplinary teams of specialists (neurologist, rehabilitation specialist, orthopedist, pediatrician, speech therapist, psychologist, geneticist), whose objectives include diagnosis, treatment, follow-up, and, most importantly, the quality of life improvement of patients with chronic neurologic disorders:
  • cerebral palsy (ICP), the consequences of acute cerebrovascular accidents, infectious diseases and injuries of the central nervous system;
  • psycho-motor and speech development disorders of different genesis, as well as autistic spectrum disorders;
  • patients’ management during the first year of life, with emphasis on correction of conditions associated with the defects of the central nervous system in perinatal period (asphyxia, birth trauma, etc.), particularly in children born prematurely with low and extremely low birth weight;
  • neuro-muscular spectrum diseases: myopathies, myodystrophies, spinal amyotrophies, polyneuropathies and mononeuropathies of various origins;
  • epilepsy, etc.

The Department of Neurology specialists perform all types of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics: video-EEG monitoring, CT, MRI in different modes, etc. If necessary, a CT scan or MRI may be performed with anesthesia.
The neurologists of the Children's Clinic have extensive practical experience in the application of botulinum toxin (Dysport and Botox) in pediatric neurology for the treatment of:
  • muscle spasticity (increased muscle tone) in children with cerebral palsy and other musculoskeletal disorders;
  • hypersalivation (increased salivation) and hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).

Botulinum toxin injections are performed strictly under ultrasound control, which greatly increases the treatment effectiveness.
Name Price, € Price, ₽ Code
Pediatrician consultation 220 20 315 CS6
Vaccination administration 220 20 315 CS23
Examination for children aged from 0 to 1 years old 220 20 315 CS24
Gastroenterologist consultation for children up to 18 years old 220 20 315 CS61
Pediatrician Consultation (pre-natal) 220 20 315 CS73
Pediatric Gynecologist Consultation 220 20 315 CS118
Pediatric Gynaecologist Consultation including Diagnostic procedures 340 31 396 CS119
Rheumatologist consultation (specialty Pediatrics) 220 20 315 CS126
Duty Pediatritian Consultation (specialty ER for children, Pediatrics) 220 20 315 CS129
Pediatrician remote consultation 220 20 315 RCS6