Children's clinic
A pediatric dermatologist is a specialist dealing with the treatment of diseases and disorders of the skin, mucous membranes, hair and nails. The work of the dermatologist who specializes in treating adults, is differs to a great extent from that of the pediatric dermatologist. First of all, it is connected with the peculiarities of children's skin: it is much more sensitive, and virtually all diseases that occur in the body of the child have direct impact on it.
Qualified dermatologists and allergologists-immunologists of the EMC Children’s Clinic receive patients from the first days of life through 18 years. All of them have proper certification and extensive experience of work with children. Many of the EMC specialists have undergone trainings in leading clinics of Europe, Israel and the United States and work in accordance with European protocols. Our dermatologists are cooperating actively with pediatricians and other pediatric specialists to provide comprehensive health care. All stuff of EMC Children's clinic speaks English.
Individual approach to the treatment of each little patient and creation of the most favorable environment for their recovery make treatment methods applied at our children’s clinic especially effective. The dermatologist will carry out an examination, collect a case history and design the best treatment plan for each child.
The work of a dermatologist at the EMC Clinic includes a number of key areas:
General Dermatology involves a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the skin. All problems are considered in the light of general health of all elements of the child’s body. If necessary, other EMC professionals of different areas of specialization are engaged in the treatment. General Dermatology includes:
  • diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic skin diseases;
  • non-invasive diagnosis of skin;
  • selection of individual care and treatment for sensitive baby skin;
  • diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic diseases and connective tissue disorders: skin and systemic forms of scleroderma, discoid Lupus Erythematosus and other types of collagenosis;
  • differential diagnosis and treatment of psoriatic and rheumatoid arthritis.

Dermatological surgery at the EMC Children’s Clinic includes:
  • conducting all types of skin cancer removal, such as molluscum contagiosum, papillomas, warts, etc. – surgical excision, laser, electrocautery and cryodestruction;
  • treatment of wounds, burns, insect bites.

At the EMC Children’s Clinic the removal of all types of skin neoplasms is performed under local anesthesia or during safe drug-induced sleep (if needed).
Dermato-oncology and diagnosis of moles
  • diagnosis of neoplasms of the skin using the latest diagnostic equipment;
  • using non-invasive methods of diagnosis;
  • monitoring moles: electronic photodermatoscopic individual moles’ mapping with yearly dynamic monitoring option, using the Mole Mapping system;
  • removal of “dangerous” moles under local anesthesia by experienced surgeons-oncologists according to modern European protocols and following pathomorphology study at the EMC in-house cytology lab;
  • conducting all types of skin biopsies (punch biopsies, surgical excision).

  • diagnosis of fungal diseases using the most modern methods of studies;
  • microscopy identification of pathogenic fungus and selection of optimal therapeutic drug at the in-house laboratory;
  • Western European protocols for treatment of fungal infections of the skin, mucous membranes, hair and nails.
  • laser therapy of fungal infection and nail dystrophy.

  • diagnosis and treatment of all types of hair loss (alopecia areata, diffuse alopecia, androgenetic, cicatrical alopecia) including a comprehensive study to identify the general metabolic causes of hair loss;
  • treatment of diseases of the scalp, and hygienic and medical selection of hair care products;
  • treatment of seborrhea in children.

Physical therapy:
  • General and narrowband ultraviolet phototherapy (PUVA and UVB), selective impulse laser and infrared therapy, acupuncture, phonophoresis.
  • laser correction of skin vascular neoplasms, integrated treatment of rosacea and acne scarring effects.

  • treatment and prevention of frequently recurring herpes infection, including preventive vaccination;
  • diagnosis of human papilloma virus, determination of oncogenic risk;
  • Cryosurgery, laser, radiowave resection and electroscission of papilloma virus neoplasms, including those with genital localization;
  • development of individual programs of immunotherapy and prevention of human papilloma virus;
  • examination and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, gardnerellosis, candidiasis, herpes);
  • complete diagnostics of the syphilitic infection, including congenital forms;
  • rapid diagnosis of the most common types of infections with special test-systems;
  • emergency prevention;
  • diagnosis of HIV infection.

Phototherapy method is widely applied by dermatologists of the European Medical Center to treat skin diseases, such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis), parapsoriasis, red flat zoster, seborrheic вermatitis, alopecia areata, vitiligo, etc. Experts note high efficiency, versatility and safety of phototherapy, which is particularly important in treatment of diseases in children.
Podiatry involves studying any changes in the state of the skin and nail plates from the point of view of general metabolism, endocrine disorders. As a rule, a single sampling of material for analysis for pathogenic flora, deficiency of trace elements and vitamins is conducted.
One of the most important tasks in podiatry is the removal of calluses (hard, soft, vascular, neurovascular, neurofibrous, paraungual and subungual corns), and treatment of hyperkeratoses (plantar callosities and calluses). Podiatrists treat patients with diabetes, as proper medical care can prevent or relieve the symptoms of diabetic foot syndrome.
Podiatry allows to solve problems of deformed and ingrown nails without surgery by using:
  • nail plate growth correction, using all types of braces (toymaster, golden, bs-plates);
  • prosthetic nails.

In addition, podiatrists also specialize in:
  • choosing measures for reducing pressure on the foot (insoles, orthotics, and plasters);
  • applying special dressings: aseptic if there is damage to the skin and nails, or occlusive for the recovery and treatment of the skin of the foot with hyperkeratosis and cracks;
  • selecting and compiling personalized medical and cosmetic programs to care for the skin and nails.
To determine the causes and the most effective approaches to solve podiatric problems, dermatologists of the EMC Children’s Clinic work in close collaboration with other specialists: endocrinologists, gynecologists and orthopedists-traumatologists of the European Clinic of Sports Traumatology and Orthopaedics (ECSTO), apply computed tomography or MRI of feet.
At the Pruritus Center established on the basis of European Medical Center Dermatology and Allergology Clinic specialists of different areas provide comprehensive care for patients with acute and chronic manifestations of the disease.
Itchy skin can be a symptom of many diseases, including internal diseases, neurological and psychiatric disorders. Specialists at the Pruritus Center operate according to international standards and use the latest diagnostic techniques to assist patients at the highest level. The services include:
  • outpatient and in-patient care;
  • topical and systemic medication therapy;
  • psychological assistance;
  • phototherapy.

European Medical Center has an in-house pathomorphological laboratory allowing for histological studies. To obtain a second opinion, optional consultations may be provided from experts of the United States, Israel, France, etc.
At our clinic you can always undergo a clinical examination and get medical certificates from a dermatologist for attending a swimming pool, a sports club and child care institutions.
Name Price, € Price, ₽ Code
Dermatovenerologist consultation 220 20 241 CS8
Dermatovenerologist consultation, including diagnostic procedures 317 29 165 CS103
Dermatologist сonsultation with using non-invasive methods of treatment of the skin and its appendages 317 29 165 CS48
Dermatovenerologist remote consultation 220 20 241 RCS8
Medical perforation of skin 140 12 880 DRMT109
Cryosurgery of molluscs/warts/ 1 unit 107 9 844 DRMT10
Cryosurgery of molluscs/warts / up to 3 units 161 14 812 DRMT11
Dermatoscopy with DELTA 20 107 9 844 DRMT8
Cryosurgery of molluscs/warts / 4-10 units 213 19 597 DRMT20
Removal (curettage) of benign skin neoplasms (molluscum contagiosum, retention cysts etc.) - 1 unit 107 9 844 DRMT121
Removal (curettage) of benign skin neoplasms (molluscum contagiosum, retention cysts etc.) up to 3 units 161 14 812 DRMT122
Removal (curettage) of benign skin neoplasms (molluscum contagiosum, retention cysts etc.) 4-10 units 213 19 597 DRMT123
Removal (curettage) of benign skin neoplasms (molluscum contagiosum, retention cysts etc.) > 10 units 410 37 721 DRMT124
Cryosurgery of molluscs/warts / > 10 units 410 37 721 DRMT34
Phototherapy (PUVA, medication cost included) general, 1 procedure 190 17 481 DRMT94