Pediatric allergologist-immunologist is a specialist dealing with prevention, diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases and pathologies of defensive reactions of the body. To preserve its integrity and biological individuality you the health of immune system must be preserved constantly.
Human immune system begins to form in the early weeks of mother’s pregnancy and continues to develop after birth. In the first years of life the child's protective mechanisms are not strong enough and need extra support and strengthening. Therefore, the pathologies encountered by a pediatric allergologist are somewhat different from those facing an “adult” allergologist. Specialists of the EMC Children's Clinic are doctors with the highest level of training who have extensive experience of work with children.
Diseases, treated by allergologists include: atopic and contact dermatitis, eczema, urticaria, inter alia, solar urticaria and urticaria medicamentosa, angioedema, asthma, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, anaphylactic shock.
From the first months of life, a child may manifest an allergic reaction to some stimulus or other, most often, a protein. As a rule, the main signs of disease are dryness or redness of the skin. Such diseases are cured by specialists of our clinic easily enough: the pediatric allergoloпist designs an individual diet for a breast-feeding mother or selects a special nutrition for a bottle-fed baby.
Common symptoms of an allergic reaction are similar to those of other diseases. Parents do not pay much attention to them and believe recovery is possible without a visit to the pediatric allergologist. However, this attitude may lead to worsening of the child’s condition: the disease may delay and even require a surgical intervention. Proper treatment can only be chosen by a qualified allergologist- immunologist. Children are particularly sensitive to environmental factors, and parents should be aware of this issue and closely monitor the well-being of the child.
We strongly recommend that you seek the advice of a pediatric allergologist if you have started noticing the following symptoms:
- regular nasal congestion (in children older than two years morning nasal congestion may occur, which does not manifest during the day);
- itchy, dry skin, rash;
- repeated sneezing (4-5 times in a row);
- swelling of eyes, lacrimation (shedding tears);
- itchiness of the nose and in the eyelid;
- frequent ARD.
Our Children's Hospital in Moscow offers assistance of a qualified pediatric allergologist. The allergologist will examine the child and select the best type of study to identify the causes of the disease.
The doctors of the EMC Children's Hospital conduct dozens of tests and diagnostic procedures, including:
- diagnosis and treatment of seasonal rhinitis (allergy to tree and grass pollen);
- diagnosis and treatment of perennial rhinitis/rhinoconjunctivitis (allergies to household dust, animal hair, etc.);
- diagnosis and treatment of allergies to poisonous insects;
- a comprehensive survey on various types of food allergens, inhaled and household allergens based on blood test (IgE);
- blood test for food intolerance (IgG);
- skin prick testing using variety of food, inhaled and household allergens;
- manufacturing native (individual) preparations for skin-prick testing (including that with pet hair);
- application of skin tests with the most common contact allergens (metals and chemicals);
- diagnosis of drug allergies;
- diagnosis and treatment of all types of urticaria;
- diagnosis and treatment of angioedemas;
- the latest test with autologous serum (for detecting autoimmune "internal" nature of urticaria); uses European methodology of 2013, for the first time in Moscow;
- allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) – subcutaneous and sublingual “allergy inoculation”;
- anti-IgE (Xolair) treatment;
- diagnosis and treatment of all forms of asthma;
- a respiratory function study of (spirometry, rinomanometry, peak flometry), including in children; the use of special animation programs for testing children;
- diagnosis of latent bronchoconstriction;
- test with bronchial spasmolytics, test with dosed physical activity, provocative inhalation tests;
- study of immune and interferon status;/li>
- cytology and bacteriology study of mucosal secretion;
- rheumatology studies;
- determination of hormonal serum profile;
- virological study;
- parasitological study;
- immunological study.
Depending on the results of the analyses the allergologist will design an individual program for immune correction based on the following types of therapies:
- immunity reconstruction-reconstitution of immunity;
- substitution therapy - replacing missing immune factors;
- biologic response modifier therapy - affecting the disturbed immune status of the body through various regulatory mechanisms using immunomodulators (drugs that can suppress or stimulate both the immune system as a whole and its separate aspects).
Allergologists-immunologists of the EMC Children’s Clinic will also develop a special diet for the child, provide detailed advice for parents whose children suffer from asthma or topical dermatitis, and if necessary will conduct preventive vaccination. All stuff of EMC Children's clinic speaks English.
Name | Price, € | Price, ₽ | Code |
Allergologist consultation | 220 € | 20 241 ₽ | CS19 |
Allergologist remote consultation | 220 € | 20 241 ₽ | RCS19 |
Respiratory function | 161 € | 14 812 ₽ | FUNC22 |
Allergy screening | 213 € | 19 597 ₽ | ALLRG14 |
Determination of the allergenic complex Allergochip ALEX2 (Allergy Explorer), 300 allergocomponents and total IgE | 741 € | 68 174 ₽ | C401 |
Sublingual allergen immunotherapy, initial course | 317 € | 29 165 ₽ | ALLRG1 |
Sublingual allergen immunotherapy, supporting course | 266 € | 24 473 ₽ | ALLRG2 |