Select a competence center
    EMC Schepkina
    35, ul. Schepkina, Moscow, 129090
    Parking number 3105 is paid, Monday - Sunday, except holidays, from 8:00 to 21:00: 380 rubles / hour, from 21:00 to 8:00: 200 rubles / hour.
    Work hours: 24/7
    EMC Schepkina
    How to get to
    Select a route
      From the subway to go down the stairs and through the underpass, exit left towards the Olimpik Plaza shopping center (the white-blue building). Walk along the Olimpik Plaza shopping center towards the Olimpisky Sports Complex. The European Medical Center is on the left of the Sports Complex. It is a 7-story building with a giant sign on the roof "European Medical Center GEMC". It is a 5-minute walk from the subway.
      1. Turn on Olimpisky Prospekt, at the first traffic light turn right, parallel to the tram tracks up on Durova Street, at the first traffic light turn left onto to Shepkina Street.
      2. Turn on Olimpisky Prospekt, at the second traffic light turn right, on Samarskaya Street, at the first traffic light turn left on Shepkina Street.
      1. Exit on Verezemneka, continue straight on Shepkina Street.
      2. Exit on Olimpisky Prospekt, at the second traffic light turn left on Samarskaya Street, then at the first traffic light turn right on Shepkina Street.
      EMC Maternity and childhood center
      15/1, ul.Pravdy, Moscow, 125040
      Parking: free
      Work hours: 24/7

      Pediatricians also conduct an appointment at: Rublevo-Uspenskoe shosse, 187 and Spiridon'evski pereulok, 5/1.
      Parking is free for patients (places are limited).

      EMC Maternity and childhood center
      How to get to
      Select a route


        By the “Maternity hospital” traffic sign turn from Pravda str. towards the tollgate. For the passage through the tollgate call the direct number *7610. Drive till the end of the building №17/19, turn right and then left towards the tollgate. After the tollgate turn to the left to the guest parking.
        To exit the parking drive along the maternity home and turn left towards the first tollgate. After the tollgate turn left and immediately on your right, then drive along the building №11 till the tollgate. The tollgate for the exit on Pravda str. opens automatically when driving as near as 3 meters to it. 


        By the «Maternity hospital» traffic sign turn from Pravda str. towards the tollgate. For the passage through the tollgate call the direct number *7610. Then drive to the end of the building №17/19, turn right and then left towards the tollgate. After the tollgate drive straight forward to the swing gates, after the gates turn left.

        ЕМС Orlovsky
        7, Orlovsky pereulok, Moscow, 129090
        Mon - Sat, except holidays 8:00 - 21:00: 50 roubles/30 minutes, after that 150 roubles/hour, 21:00 - 8:00: 60 roubles/hour
        Work hours: 24/7
        ЕМС Orlovsky
        How to get to
        Select a route
          The access to the clinic from the side of Schepkina street lies through the Samarskaya street. You need to pass the gates of the 12-storey building of the MONIKI clinic and turn to the Orlovsky lane. On the left side in front of you there will be a 7-storey multi-colored building of the European Medical Center.
          When driving from the center along Olimpisky Prospekt to the second traffic light, where you see the sign "EUROPEAN MEDICAL CENTER" you must turn right on Trifonovskaya Street. From Trifonovskaya Street, the first right will Orlovsky Pereulok. The center will be on the right side at the end of the alley.
          EMC Spiridonievsky
          5/1, Spiridonievsky pereulok, Moscow, 123104
          Parking: Monday - Sunday, except holidays from 8.00 to 21.00: 450 roubles/hour, from 21.00 to 8.00: 200 roubles/hour.
          Work hours:
          EMC Spiridonievsky
          How to get to
          Select a route
            Walking distance from M. Tverskaya/Pushkinskaya: 1. The last car from the center. Next, following the walkway take the second exit on the right. After Sberbank, turn in the arch and walk along Maliy Palashevsky, then turn right, then left along on the road on Bolshoy Palashevsky. Walk on the right side, heading straight the whole time. After the crossroads at Malaya Bronnaya, the GEMC clinic will be on your right hand side.
            Walking distance from M. Mayakovskaya: The last car from the center. Exit on Sadovaya Street from the metro to the left, go straight the entire time passing the Satire Theater and the Moscow City Council, to the intersection with Malaya Bronnaya. Turn left and go straight on the right side past the Patriarch Ponds to the intersection with Spiridonevsky Pereulok. Turn right and go straight on Spiridonevksy Pereulok and you will see the clinic.
            Travel along the inside of the Sadovoe Koltso towards M. Mayakovskaya. Cross the intersection with Malaya Nikitskaya Street, and turn right at the next junction with Spiridonovka Street. Continue for 2 turns and at the third, at the sign, turn left onto Spiridonevsky Pereulok. After a few meters you will see our building on the left side. Look for parking on Spiridonevsky Pereulok or on surrounding streets.
            Rehabilitation center
            187, Rublevo-Uspenskoe shosse
            Parking: free
            Work hours: Daily from 8.00 to 20.00
            Rehabilitation center
            How to get to
            Select a route

              Please note that there is no direct access to the EMC Rehabilitation Centre building from Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway.

              After passing the "Zhukovka Plaza"/ "Tsarskaya Okhona" Restaurant on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway, at the first turn (opposite the "5 Wheel" tyre centre) turn to the left. When you reach the fork, turn to the left (straight – dead end). After driving straight ahead, turn to the right on the first corner. Before you reach the railway tracks, turn to the left and go straight ahead for about 300 m.