Internal Medicine Clinic

Moscow, 35, ul. Schepkina; 5/1, Spiridonievsky pereulok; 7, Orlovsky pereulok

Phone: +7 495 933 66 55

Internal Medicine Clinic

About clinic

Internal Medicine Clinic is one of the largest departments at EMC, and consists of highly qualified general practice physicians.

Many years ago in Western Europe, the culture of the "family doctor" began, where a family doctor provides continuous monitoring of the health of their patients. At the first signs of any disease patients primarily access their family doctor, who provides assistance and, if necessary, sends the patient to a more specialized doctor and then summarizes the results of all studies and makes recommendations for further treatment.

General practice physicians at EMC operate under this European system, according to internationally accepted protocols of care. Our experts have all the necessary competencies, have extensive clinical experience in leading foreign clinics, and regularly participate in specialized international conferences.

General practice physicians engage in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in areas such as:

  • gastroenterology,
  • endocrinology,
  • cardiology (if there is no need for constant monitoring by a cardiologist),
  • pulmonology,
  • nephrology,
  • rheumatology,
  • general Medicine.
EMC Internal Medicine Clinic works in close partnership with the diagnostics department and endoscopy service at EMC, facilitating minimal wait-times for studies and results, All diagnostic procedures, such as otoscopy and rhinoscopy, CT, MRI, PET, and many others, are performed at one clinic.
EMC patients can undergo outpatient testing or in our comfortable inpatient facility, and can also take advantage of our express diagnostic Check-Up program.

Why are Preventive Care Exams Important?

The absence of complaints is not necessarily an indicator of health.
For example, a significant portion of patients with diabetes are unaware that they are sick, and come to the doctor when complications such as eye or kidney problems develop.
Another example is atherosclerosis, symptoms of which occur when blood vessels critically constrict and circulation is disrupted.
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, does not have typical symptoms (headache, dizziness, chest pain) and manifests as general weakness that people think is just usual fatigue. More than half of all people who have high blood pressure do not know it!
We recommend absolutely all patients see a general medicine physician at least twice a year (more often for patients over age 50), regardless of the presence or absence of complaints or symptoms.
Regular visits to the doctor can help avoid a situation where patient care requires longer and more expensive treatment.
Name Price, € Price, ₽ Code
CONSULTATIONS > Specialist's consultation
Duty Doctor Consultation 220 20 736 CS1
General practitioner consultation 220 20 736 CS2
Endocrinologist consultation 220 20 736 CS10
Infectious disease doctor consultation 220 20 736 CS77
Geneticist consultation 253 23 847 CS78
Dietician-nutritionist consultation 253 23 847 CS82
Geneticist consultation on family planning 154 14 515 CS92
Geneticist consultation for reproductive materials donors 89 8 389 CS93
Compilation of a personal nutrition plan based on a request, the results of medical examinations, body characteristics, food intolerance, taste preferences, exercise and daily routine 1 214 114 427 CS96
Clinical pharmacologist consultation 220 20 736 CS101
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