Emergency And Family Doctor House Calls Visit

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Sometimes health or circumstances make it hard to come to the clinic, but the immediate attention of a doctor is needed. In such situations, a physician house call is the best option. A team of highly qualified physicians is on call in the emergency department at EMC who are ready at any minute to come to the aid of children or adults with:
  • Emergency conditions (hypertensive crisis, myocardial infarction, stroke, loss of consciousness, acute pain, injury, etc.);
  • Chronic conditions (heart problems, lung problems, digestive system issues, etc.);
  • Surgical conditions (acute appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, renal colic);
  • Injuries (to stop bleeding, place any type of bandage or dressing, to provide immobilized transport, etc.);
  • Neurological disorders (acute back pain, migraine, impending cerebrovascular accident, etc.);
  • Pediatric conditions (false croup, viral and bacterial infections, digestive disturbances).
The European Medical Center has its own around-the-clock diagnostic department (with x-ray, ultrasound, CT and MRI) and clinical diagnostic and histology laboratories, which allow us to perform studies as quickly as possible.In addition to a physician house call, a visiting nurse can be requested to help carry out prescribed treatments. EMC's inpatient department and operating rooms are ready at any time to accept patients and provide them with the entire spectrum of medical care, including surgery and trauma care.


For urgent medical care of children, it is possible to have a pediatrician house call Experienced physicians from the Pediatrics Department at EMC are ready to travel to their smallest patients. Doctors from the Department of Emergency and Urgent Care travel to provide medical care to children in the nighttime hours, on Sundays and even holidays.


You can request a physician house call at any time of the day and be assured that the physicians from the department will do everything possible to arrive as quickly as possible; All of the EMC specialists are very experienced at making house calls to provide medical care and at organizing inpatient hospitalization; If surgery is needed, emergency care can be provided at the patient's home and then transport can be arranged for the operation to be performed in the hospital. All of our vehicles are outfitted with the necessary medical equipment, a complete set of tools necessary for providing medical care and carefully transporting patients; Patients can be transported in Moscow and the Moscow region.
In many cases, a person's life and health depend on how quickly and professionally emergency medical services are provided. In emergency situations when a person's life is in danger, there is no time to search for a clinic and a doctor to assist; calling an ambulance is the only right decision. You only need to dial a number. In urgent cases, when a person's life is not in danger, you can always contact us and we will do everything possible to quickly send a to your home, who can provide a full range of therapeutic and diagnostic measures and ensure the patient's recovery.
EMC's Around-the-Clock Ambulance is a professional approach with smoothly-running interactions between all participants. All of the specialists who travel to patients on calls in Moscow or the Moscow Region have the respective qualifications and years of experience in emergency medicine. We are acutely aware of our responsibility for the health and lives of our patients.
Our emergency doctors have the necessary knowledge and skills to solve the most difficult health problems. A team of specialists quickly decides on the care required, providing it on the scene with the appropriate diagnostic equipment and medicines.
  • Check blood sugar (with a glucometer),
  • Perform a urinalysis (a rapid study),
  • Perform an electrocardiogram (ECG),
  • Take blood to check for markers of an acute myocardial infarction,
  • Provide emergency medication therapy, if needed.
As part of providing emergency medical care, of the patient is also possible, either by ground ambulance or air ambulance (plane or helicopter); hospitalization can be organized at EMC; and emergency care for children, including newborns can also be provided.

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