Cardiovascular Diseases Clinic

35, ul. Schepkina, Moscow

Phone: +7 495 933 66 55

Cardiovascular Diseases Clinic

About clinic

Today cardiovascular diseases is one of the most wide-spread problems. There are cardiovascular risk factors such as: high cholesterol level, diabetis mellitus, age, hereditary background, obesity, smoking. According to World Health Organization (WHO) all these factors require annual complex cardiological check-up after 45 years old.
Cardiologists of EMC provide modern non-invasive types of cardiovascular examinations that allow to diagnose serious diseases connected with lesions of heart and vessels as well as initial forms of cardiovascular system’s dysfunction.
EMC cardiologists prepare patients to all cardiological surgeries, examine the patient during after surgery period. Any therapy prescribed corresponds to international standards and is always controlled by treating doctor.
In-patient cardiovascular department is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for patients with acute myocardial infarction and other urgent conditions.
Head of clinic of cardiovascular diseases, specialist in echocardiography and functional diagnostics, Ph.D. of Medical Sciences
Name Price, € Price, ₽ Code
CONSULTATIONS > Specialist's consultation
Vascular surgeon consultation 220 20 315 CS14
Cardiologist consultation 220 20 315 CS20
Endovascular surgeon consultation 220 20 315 CS72
Arrhythmologist consultation including control of implanted devices 220 20 315 CS75
Vascular surgeon remote consultation 220 20 315 RCS14
Cardiologist remote consultation 220 20 315 RCS20
Endovascular surgeon remote consultation 220 20 315 RCS72
Arrhythmologist remote consultation including control of implanted devices 220 20 315 RCS75
Cardiologist examination with house call within Moscow 570 52 634 DHC59
Cardiologist examination with house call up to 10 km from Moscow 626 57 805 DHC60