Москва, ул. Правды, 15, стр. 1

Phone: +7 495 933 66 55

Name Price, € Price, ₽ Code
CONSULTATIONS > Initial specialist's consultation
Fertility specialist consultation including ultrasound examination 269 27 114 CS_IVF1
Embriologist consultation 122 12 297 CS_IVF5
IVF Geneticist consultation 75 7 560 CS_IVF6
Andrologist fertility consultation 167 16 833 CS_IVF7
Fertility specialist consultation/donors/surrogate mothers 122 12 297 CS_IVF12
Fertility specialist consultation (without ultrasound examination) 167 16 833 CS_IVF13
Joint consultation of fertility specialist and embryologist including ultrasound examination 345 34 775 CS_IVF14
Cryopreservation of individual spermatozoa using a SpermVD carrier 400 40 318 IVF111
Superovulation 110 11 088 IVF1
Transvaginal puncture of ovaries 1 000 100 796 IVF2
Embryos transfer 450 45 358 IVF3
Repeated embryos transfer 150 15 119 IVF4
Transfer of cryopreserved embryos 700 70 557 IVF5
Puncture of ovarian cysts under ultrasound control 265 26 711 IVF6
Puncture of the posterior vaginal vault with ovarian hyperstimulation 315 31 751 IVF7
Sonohysterography 350 35 279 IVF8
Intrauterine insemination (once) 350 35 279 IVF9
Follow-up Intrauterine insemination (once) 160 16 127 IVF10
ICSI up to 5 oocytes 265 26 711 IVF11
ICSI up to 6 -15 oocytes 530 53 422 IVF12
ICSI more than 15 oocytes 660 66 525 IVF13
IMSI 850 85 676 IVF14
Embryology 1 100 110 875 IVF15
Storage of embryos/oocytes (1 month) 35 3 528 IVF17
Storage of embryos/oocytes (3 month) 85 8 568 IVF18
Storage of embryos/oocytes (6 month) 155 15 623 IVF19
Storage of embryos/oocytes (12 month) 285 28 727 IVF20
Assisted hatching 130 13 103 IVF21
Spermogram 125 12 599 IVF22
MAR-test 35 3 528 IVF23
Search of individual spermatozoa 150 15 119 IVF24
ICSI up to 5 oocytes/ IMSI in IVF with minimal stimulation program 500 50 398 IVF33
PICSI 270 27 215 IVF34
Sperm viability 320 32 255 IVF35
Sperm cryopreservation 255 25 703 IVF36
Sperm storage (1 month) 35 3 528 IVF37
Sperm storage (3 months) 85 8 568 IVF38
Sperm storage (6 months) 155 15 623 IVF39
Sperm storage (12 months) 285 28 727 IVF40
Donor sperm in IVF (1 specimen) 300 30 239 IVF54
HBA Sperm-Hyaluronan Binding Assay 75 7 560 IVF55
Donor oocyte in IVF (1 oocyte) 325 32 759 IVF56
Donor embryos in IVF (1 embryo) 2 250 226 791 IVF57
Testing embryos transfer 100 10 080 IVF59
ICSI in natural cycle 200 20 159 IVF60
Embryology in natural cycle 750 75 597 IVF61
Donor sperm (1 specimen) 350 35 279 IVF77
Donor oocyte (1 oocyte) 390 39 310 IVF78
Germ cells carriage (within 30 km from Moscow) 150 15 119 IVF79
Germ cells carriage (over 30 km from Moscow) договорная*/ on request IVF80
Embryos cryopreservation (1 carrier) 250 25 199 IVF84
Embryos cryopreservation (each other carrier) 100 10 080 IVF84.1
Oocytes cryopreservation (1 carrier) 200 20 159 IVF85
Oocytes cryopreservation (each other carrier) 80 8 064 IVF85.1
Usage of EmbryoGlue medium at embryo transfer 110 11 088 IVF92
Round spermatid injection (ROSI) 1 000 100 796 IVF93
Intraoperative microscopic search for spermatozoa and / or spermatogenesis cells during testicular biopsy 500 50 398 IVF94
In vitro fertilization of oocytes with cytoplasmic transfer for carriers of mitochondrial diseases 2 000 201 592 IVF95
In vitro fertilization of oocytes with pronuclei transfer 1 500 151 194 IVF96
Identification and assessment of the maturity of oocytes with an additional assessment of spindle morphology 210 21 167 IVF98
Ovarian tissue cryopreservation 800 80 637 IVF99
Identification and assessment of the maturity of oocytes, in-vitro maturation 840 84 668 IVF104
Embryology with preliminary assessment of the maturity of oocytes, in-vitro maturation 1 260 127 003 IVF105
Intra-ovarian auto plasma therapy 1 200 120 955 IVF106
Intrauterine injection of platelet rich plasma (PRP) 420 42 334 IVF107
In-vitro ovarian activation 700 70 557 IVF108