Москва, ул. Правды, 15, стр. 1

Phone: +7 495 933 66 55

About clinic
Name Price, € Price, ₽ Code
CONSULTATIONS > Initial specialist's consultation
Fertility specialist consultation including ultrasound examination 269 30 344 CS_IVF1
Embriologist consultation 122 13 762 CS_IVF5
IVF Geneticist consultation 75 8 460 CS_IVF6
Andrologist fertility consultation 167 18 838 CS_IVF7
Fertility specialist consultation/donors/surrogate mothers 122 13 762 CS_IVF12
Fertility specialist consultation (without ultrasound examination) 167 18 838 CS_IVF13
Joint consultation of fertility specialist and embryologist including ultrasound examination 345 38 917 CS_IVF14
Superovulation 110 12 408 IVF1
Transvaginal puncture of ovaries 1 000 112 802 IVF2
Embryos transfer 450 50 761 IVF3