
Москва, ул. Правды 15с1, ул. Щепкина, 35; Спиридоньевский пер., 5/1

Phone: +7 495 933 66 55

Name Price, € Price, ₽ Code
CONSULTATIONS > Specialist's consultation
Gynecologist consultation 220 23 043 CS4
Gynaecologist Consultation including Diagnostic procedures 340 35 612 CS43
Gynaecologist, oncologist consultation 253 26 500 CS80
Sexologist remote consultation 352 36 869 RCS88
Sexologist brief remote consultation 190 19 901 RCS89
Gynecologist remote consultation 220 23 043 RCS4
Gynaecologist, oncologist remote consultation 253 26 500 RCS82
Treatment of vulvar, vaginal and genital defects with PRP autologous plasma 570 59 703 GNC42
Removal of subcutaneous contraceptive system 633 66 302 GNC43
Combined detection of IL-6 / IGFBP-1 total / IGFBP-1 native) in vaginal smear/ Rapid predictive test of preterm delivery 95 9 951 GNC44
IUD installation/removal 284 29 747 GNC5
Gynecologist consultation + fetal ultrasonic examination / pregnancy 12 weeks 355 37 184 GNC6
Gynecologist consultation + fetal morphologic ultrasonic examination 355 37 184 GNC7
Hysterography 395 41 373 GNC10
Diagnostic hysteroscopy 534 55 932 GNC11
Express test for amniotic fluid leak 109 11 417 GNC12
Fetal cardiotocography (CTG) 127 13 302 GNC13
Сolposcopy 190 19 901 GNC14
Removal of vaginal polyp (ambulatory) 405 42 421 GNC15
Endometrial biopsy 253 26 500 GNC16
Vaginal smear 15 1 571 GNC17
Smear of cervix 15 1 571 GNC18
Fetal morphology ultrasound 292 30 585 GNC20
3D/4D fetal morphology ultrasound 354 37 079 GNC21
Cervical biopsy + endsocervical curretage 253 26 500 GNC22
Posterior vaginal vault puncture 253 26 500 GNC23
Cervicometry 127 13 302 GNC24
Fetal doppler 127 13 302 GNC25
Monitoring ovulation 76 7 960 GNC26
Installation/removal of pessary 165 17 282 GNC27
Removal of benign genital lesions under the local anesthesia 506 53 000 GNC28
Removal of benign genital lesions under the general anesthesia 886 92 802 GNC29
Fractional vaginal photothermolysis 1 012 105 999 GNC31
Gynecologist consultation + 3D/4D fetal morphology ultrasound 399 41 792 GNC33
Amniocentesis 506 53 000 GNC34
Vulvovaginal fractional photothermolysis 1 645 172 301 GNC35
Fractional photothermolysis of the vulva 1 012 105 999 GNC36
Fractional photothermolysis for the treatment of cicatricial pathology of the vulva and vagina 759 79 499 GNC37
Laser depigmentation of the perineum 1 012 105 999 GNC38
Laser depigmentation of the perianal zone 759 79 499 GNC39
Electromagnetic pelvic floor stimulation on BTL Emsella, 1 procedure 190 19 901 GNC40
Cervical electroexcision with endocervical canal curretage 759 79 499 GNC41
Pelvis ultrasound transabdominal (bladder / prostate / gynecology) 241 25 243 USE23
MRI of pelvis (screening diagnostic) for treatment guidance 213 22 310 MRI58
Embolization of gynecologic bleeding (including oncologic genesis) 2 277 238 498 ANG49
Amniocentesis (procedure + in-patient stay) 801 83 899 SGNC1
Chorionic villi sampling 823 86 203 SGNC2
Medecines abortion with post-surgical U/S examination 759 79 499 SGNC3
Curetage / abortion 1 645 172 301 SGNC4
Vacuum-aspiration / abortion 1 265 132 499 SGNC5
Vulvar condyloma electrocoagulation / general anesthesia 1 265 132 499 SGNC7
Polypectomy / cervical curetage 1 012 105 999 SGNC10
Polypectomy with separated diagnostic curetage 1 518 158 999 SGNC11
Vaginal cyst/polyp removal 1 265 132 499 SGNC12
Skin biopsy under local anesthesia / papilloma, condyloma 633 66 302 SGNC14
Surgical hysteroscopy 3 036 317 998 SGNC16
Labia minora plasty 2 088 218 702 SGNC45
Lysis of vulvar adhesions 1 265 132 499 SGNC173
Labiaplasty (labia minora/labia majora plasty). Level 1 2 088 218 702 SGNC191
Labiaplasty (labia minora/labia majora plasty). Level 2 3 163 331 300 SGNC192
Labiaplasty (labia minora/labia majora plasty). Level 3 3 795 397 497 SGNC193
Clitoral hood plasty 2 024 211 999 SGNC194
Anal tags removal 1 898 198 801 SGNC195
Hymenoplasty (Hymen Restoration). Level 1 2 277 238 498 SGNC196
Hymenoplasty (Hymen Restoration). Level 2 2 783 291 498 SGNC197
Vulvar biorevitalization 1 392 145 801 SGNC199
Cervix/vagina/trema hemostasis by sealing 1 898 198 801 SGNC200
Cervix/vagina/trema hemostasis by swabbing 633 66 302 SGNC201
Cervix/vagina/trema hemostasis by electro- or chemical coagulation 1 898 198 801 SGNC203
Vulvar lips form modelling 1 518 158 999 SGNC204
Vaginal narrowing by hyaluronic acid 1 518 158 999 SGNC205
Anorgasmia treatment, G-spot and clitoris enlargment 1 392 145 801 SGNC206
Bladder control treatment by hyaluronic acid 1 392 145 801 SGNC207
Laser genital area bleaching 1 012 105 999 SGNC210
Laser treatment of vulvar and vaginal cicatricial tissue 1 012 105 999 SGNC211
Embryo reduction 1 265 132 499 SGNC213
Reduction of each subsequent embryo 633 66 302 SGNC214
Operative laparoscopy for extrauterine pregnancy 6 072 635 996 SGNC316
Conization of cervix 1 898 198 801 SGNC20
McDonald cerclage 2 530 264 998 SGNC21
Abscess/haematoma lancing 1 518 158 999 SGNC23
Laparotomy of benign tumor uterine appendages 6 958 728 798 SGNC27
Abdominal surgery / adhesions dissection 5 060 529 997 SGNC32
Transvaginal hysterectomy 6 325 662 496 SGNC37
Surgical laparoscopy /ovarienectomy, adhesions dissection, extrauterine pregnancy, endometriosis, fallopian tubes 6 072 635 996 SGNC39
Laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy/ one side 3 795 397 497 SGNC72
Laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy/ bilateral 6 958 728 798 SGNC73
Laparotomic pelvic lymphadenectomy/ one side 3 163 331 300 SGNC74
Laparotomic pelvic lymphadenectomy/ bilateral 6 958 728 798 SGNC75
Laparoscopic paraaortic lymphadenectomy/ one side 4 428 463 799 SGNC76
Laparoscopic paraaortic lymphadenectomy/ bilateral 7 590 794 995 SGNC77
Laparotomic paraaortic lymphadenectomy/ one side 3 795 397 497 SGNC78
Laparotomic paraaortic lymphadenectomy/ bilateral 6 958 728 798 SGNC79
Laparoscopic omentectomy in addition to a main surgery 3 795 397 497 SGNC80
Laparotomic omentectomy in addition to a main surgery 3 163 331 300 SGNC81
Laparoscopiс radical Wertheim's hysterectomy 13 915 1 457 490 SGNC82
Abdominal radical Wertheim's hysterectomy 12 018 1 258 794 SGNC83
Cytoreduction in ovarian cancer. Level 1 (one anatomical region outside of the ovary) 10 120 1 059 993 SGNC84
Cytoreduction in ovarian cancer. Level 2 (2-3 anatomical region outside of the ovary) 11 385 1 192 492 SGNC85
Cytoreduction in ovarian cancer. Level 3 (4-5 anatomical region outside of the ovary) 13 915 1 457 490 SGNC86
Cytoreduction in ovarian cancer. Level 4 (6 and more anatomical region outside of the ovary) 15 180 1 589 990 SGNC87
Radical vulvectomy 7 590 794 995 SGNC88
Inguinal lymphadenectomy/ 1 side 3 163 331 300 SGNC89
Laparoscopic ovarian transposition (at Wertheim's hysterectomy) 1 898 198 801 SGNC90
Laparotomic ovarian transposition (at Wertheim's hysterectomy) 1 645 172 301 SGNC91
Retroperitoneal lympadenectomy / one side 6 325 662 496 SGNC92
Total laparoscopic hysterectomy 6 578 688 996 SGNC93
Laparoscopic myomectomy. Level 1 (1 myoma) 5 693 596 298 SGNC101
Laparoscopic myomectomy. Level 2 (2-3 myoma) 6 325 662 496 SGNC102
Laparoscopic myomectomy. Level 3 (4 myoma and more) 6 958 728 798 SGNC103
Laparoscopic coagulation and excision of endometriosis. Level 1 (1-2 injury) 5 313 556 496 SGNC104
Laparoscopic coagulation and excision of endometriosis. Level 2 (3-6 injury) 6 325 662 496 SGNC105
Laparoscopic coagulation and excision of endometriosis. Level 3 (extensive endometriosis) 7 590 794 995 SGNC106
Laparoscopic coagulation and excision of endometriosis. Level 4 (cervical endometriosis) 8 855 927 494 SGNC107
Vaginal hysterectomy 7 590 794 995 SGNC108
Laparoscopic division of adhesions, hydrotubation (for infertility). Level 1 5 060 529 997 SGNC112
Laparoscopic division of adhesions, hydrotubation (for infertility). Level 2 5 693 596 298 SGNC113
Laparoscopic division of adhesions, hydrotubation (for infertility). Level 3 6 958 728 798 SGNC114
Laparoscopic ovarian drilling (for infertility) 5 060 529 997 SGNC115
Laparoscopic salpingo-oophorectomy (ovary and tube) unilateral 4 807 503 497 SGNC116
Laparoscopic salpingo-oophorectomy (ovary and tube) bilateral 5 313 556 496 SGNC117
Diagnostic hysteroscopy 1 139 119 302 SGNC118
Hysteroscopy, curettage 1 518 158 999 SGNC119
Hysteroresectoscopy, curettage 3 163 331 300 SGNC120
Hysteroscopy, ablation / resection of the endometrium 3 795 397 497 SGNC121
Hysteroscopy, a division of intrauterine septum in combination with laparoscopy 6 325 662 496 SGNC122
Laparotomy, panhysterectomy (removal of uterus with appendages) 7 590 794 995 SGNC123
Laparotomic myomectomy 6 958 728 798 SGNC124
Laparoscopic panhysterectomy, omentectomy, removal of regional lymph nodes (with early ovarian cancer) 14 548 1 523 792 SGNC126
Setting the port during cytoreduction in ovarian cancer 1 139 119 302 SGNC127
Laparoscopic panhysterectomy, removal of regional lymph nodes (cancer of the uterus) 15 180 1 589 990 SGNC128
Laparoscopic omentectomy, removal of the ovary with fallopian tube, biopsy of the peritoneum (ovarian tumors) 8 855 927 494 SGNC129
Сonization of the cervix,curettage 2 530 264 998 SGNC130
Electroconization of cervix,curettage 1 265 132 499 SGNC131
Removal of bartholin gland cyst 3 163 331 300 SGNC132
Opening the bartholin gland abscess 1 139 119 302 SGNC133
Removing a polyp of the cervix under local anesthesia 633 66 302 SGNC134
Removing a polyp of the cervix under general anesthesia 886 92 802 SGNC135
Diagnostic laparoscopy 5 060 529 997 SGNC136
Laparotomic radical trachelectomy, regional lymphadenectomy, intrauterine device 12 650 1 324 991 SGNC137
Laparoscopic tubectomy 5 693 596 298 SGNC138
Vaginal hysterectomy of cervical stump 7 590 794 995 SGNC139
Laparoscopic hysterectomy of cervical stump 9 488 993 796 SGNC140
Amputation/Conization of the cervix with operation of Sturmdorf 3 795 397 497 SGNC141
Laparoscopic colpopexia 10 120 1 059 993 SGNC142
Laparatomic colpopexia 10 120 1 059 993 SGNC143
Laparoscopic ovarian transposition 6 958 728 798 SGNC144
Vaginoperineorrhaphia with levatoroplasty 5 630 589 700 SGNC145
Front and rear colporrhaphy with prolapse of 1 degree 5 060 529 997 SGNC149
Front and rear colporrhaphy with prolapse of 2 degree 5 693 596 298 SGNC150
Front and rear colporrhaphy with prolapse of 3 degree 6 325 662 496 SGNC151
Front and rear colporrhaphy and levatoroplasty with full prolapse 7 590 794 995 SGNC152
Lefort's operation at full genital prolapse 7 590 794 995 SGNC153
Vaginectomy 8 855 927 494 SGNC154
Shirodkar cerclage 3 795 397 497 SGNC155
Vulvar wide local excision or simple vulvectomy 4 428 463 799 SGNC156
Laparoscopic fertility-sparing procedure for genital prolapse 6 325 662 496 SGNC157
Open fertility-sparing procedure for genital prolapse 5 060 529 997 SGNC158
Laparascopic ovarian cystectomy or ovarian resection 6 072 635 996 SGNC159
Laparoscopic excision of incompetent uterine scar with reconstruction of the low uterine segment 7 590 794 995 SGNC160
Laparotomic hysterectomy without uterine appendages 6 958 728 798 SGNC164
Laparotomic hysterectomy with removal of fallopian tubes 7 590 794 995 SGNC165
Abdominal operation on uterine appendages 8 223 861 297 SGNC166
Genital prolapse repair/ 1st degree 3 795 397 497 SGNC167
Genital prolapse repair/ 2nd degree 5 060 529 997 SGNC168
Genital prolapse repair/ 3th degree 6 958 728 798 SGNC169
Cervical cerclage 3 795 397 497 SGNC174
Levatoroplasty 3 163 331 300 SGNC177
Anterior vaginal repair 3 163 331 300 SGNC178
Posterior vaginal repair 3 795 397 497 SGNC179
Bilateral laparoscopic tubectomy 6 642 695 699 SGNC180
Laparoscopic myomectomy with uterus cavity openning (interstinal - submucous fibroids) more 4 cm in diameter, nodes form of adenomyosis 6 958 728 798 SGNC181
Laparoscopic hysterectomy 1 (uterus size till 12 weeks of pregnancy) 6 958 728 798 SGNC182
Laparoscopic hysterectomy 2 (uterus size since 12-16 weeks of pregnancy or in smaller sizes in extended endometriosis and frozen pelvis) 8 223 861 297 SGNC183
Laparoscopic hysterectomy 3 (uterus size more than 16 weeks of pregnancy with additional morcellation for extraction or in cervical myoma 8 855 927 494 SGNC184
Vestibulectomy 2 530 264 998 SGNC185
Hymenorrhaphy, longterm and shortterm virginity restoration (complexity level 1) 4 048 423 997 SGNC208
Hymenorrhaphy, longterm and shortterm virginity restoration (complexity level 2) 5 060 529 997 SGNC209
Сolpocystocele correction (apical prolapse) by mesh prosthesis 6 958 728 798 SGNC212
Salpingo-оophorectomy (in addition to hysterectomy) 1 898 198 801 SGNC94
Laparoscopic lysis of adhesions in addition to the main procedure. Level 1 (adhesions in the fallopian tubes and ovaries) 1 265 132 499 SGNC95
Laparoscopic lysis of adhesions in addition to the main procedure. Level 2 (adhesions in the fallopian tubes and ovaries, and intestines / uterus / bladder) 1 898 198 801 SGNC96
Laparoscopic lysis of adhesions in addition to the main procedure. Level 3 (adhesions in the fallopian tubes and ovaries, in the intestine and uterus / or bladder) 2 530 264 998 SGNC97
Open lysis of adhesions in addition to the main procedure. Level 1 (adhesions in the fallopian tubes and ovaries) 1 012 105 999 SGNC98
Open lysis of adhesions in addition to the main procedure. Level 2 (adhesions in the fallopian tubes and ovaries, and intestines / uterus / bladder) 1 518 158 999 SGNC99
Open lysis of adhesions in addition to the main procedure. Level 3 (adhesions in the fallopian tubes and ovaries, in the intestine and uterus / or bladder) 2 530 264 998 SGNC100
Abdominoplasty (in addition to the main procedure) 5 060 529 997 SGNC161
Ovarian resection (in addition to the main procedure) 3 300 345 650 SGNC162
Myomectomy (in addition to the main procedure) 2 530 264 998 SGNC163
Abdominal operation on uterine appendages (additional operation) 1 898 198 801 SGNC170
Laparoscopic supracervical uterus amputation (additional to colpopexia) 6 325 662 496 SGNC171
Total laparoscopic hysterectomy (additional to colpopexia) 6 958 728 798 SGNC172
Cystoscopy diagnostic (in addition to the main gynecological surgery) 633 66 302 SGNC186
Cystourethroscopy (in addition to the main gynecological surgery) 823 86 203 SGNC187
Ureteral catheterization cystoscopic unilateral (in addition to the main gynecological procedure) 1 012 105 999 SGNC188
Ureteral stenting cystoscopic unilateral (in addition to the main gynecological procedure, excluding the cost of a stent) 1 076 112 703 SGNC189
Appendectomy (in addition to the main gynecologic oncologic surgery) 1 898 198 801 SGNC190
Robot-assisted radical Wertheim's hysterectomy 16 445 1 722 489 RBSGNC82
Robot-assisted sacrocolpopexy 15 161 1 588 000 RBSGNC83
Robot-assisted hysterectomy (complexity level 1) 10 753 1 126 295 RBSGNC93
Robot-assisted hysterectomy (complexity level 2) 11 385 1 192 492 RBSGNC94
Robot-assisted myomectomy (complexity level 1 - interstitial fibroid 4-6 cv in diameter) 8 349 874 494 RBSGNC101
Robot-assisted myomectomy (complexity level 2 - crervical, low segment and retroperitoneal fibroids) 10 120 1 059 993 RBSGNC102
Robot-assisted radical trachelectomy 16 445 1 722 489 RBSGNC108
Robot-assisted pelvic lymphadenectomy (in addition to the main robot-assisted procedure) 6 958 728 798 RBSGNC109
Robot-assisted paraaortic lymphadenectomy (in addition to the main robot-assisted procedure) 7 590 794 995 RBSGNC110
Robot-assisted ovarian transposition (in addition to the main robot-assisted procedure) 3 163 331 300 RBSGNC111
Robot-assisted omentectomy (in addition to the main robot-assisted procedure) 4 681 490 299 RBSGNC112
Robot-assisted pelvic lymphadenectomy 10 120 1 059 993 RBSGNC113
Robot-assisted paraaortic lymphadenectomy 12 018 1 258 794 RBSGNC114
Robot-assisted ovarian resection (in addition to the main robot-assisted procedure) 3 300 345 650 RBSGNC115