Institute of Oncology

35, ul. Schepkina, Moscow

Phone: +7 495 933 66 55

Name Price, € Price, ₽ Code
CONSULTATIONS > Specialist's consultation
Daily follow-up/consultation by treating doctor in oncology in-patient department 309 33 529 CS139
Oncologist consultation 309 33 529 CS31
Consultation before chemotherapy for malignant tumors and doctor's supervision during infusion treatment 253 27 453 CS58
Oncologist and palliative care specialist consultation 405 43 946 CS59
Hematologist consultation before chemotherapy 253 27 453 CS98
Radiation-Oncologist consultation 309 33 529 CS_RT
Foreign oncologist remote consultation 506 54 905 RCS35
Oncologist remote consultation 309 33 529 RCS31
Oncologist and palliative care specialist remote consultation 405 43 946 RCS59
Radiologist-oncologist remote consultation 309 33 529 RCS1_RT
Remote interpretation of PET-CT scan results from another clinic 220 23 872 RCS_PET
Oncologist examination with house call within Moscow 405 43 946 DHC24
Oncologist examination with house call up to 10 km from Moscow 481 52 192 DHC25
Oncologist examination with house call up to 30 km from Moscow 531 57 618 DHC26
Oncologist examination with house call up to 50 km from Moscow 607 65 865 DHC27
Palliative care specialist and nurse examination with house call within Moscow 506 54 905 DHC28
Oncologist and nurse examination with house call within Moscow 506 54 905 DHC28.1
Palliative care specialist and nurse examination with house call up to 10 km from Moscow 582 63 152 DHC29
Oncologist and nurse examination with house call up to 10 km from Moscow 582 63 152 DHC29.1
Palliative care specialist and nurse examination with house call up to 30 km from Moscow 633 68 686 DHC30
Palliative care specialist and nurse examination with house call up to 50 km from Moscow 734 79 645 DHC31
Lacrimal ducts scintigraphy 165 17 904 SC1
Salivary gland scintigraphy 165 17 904 SC2
Thyroid scintigraphy, 99mTc pertechnetate 124 13 455 SC3
Thyroid uptake, 99mTc 165 17 904 SC3-1
Whole body bone scan (including SPECT/CT if needed) 149 16 168 SC4
Three-phase bone scan (including SPECT/CT) 246 26 693 SC4-1
Parathyroid scan, dual phase 329 35 699 SC6-1
MAG3 renal scan 161 17 470 SC9
GFR calculation, DTPA 246 26 693 SC9-1
Сaptopryl renal study 246 26 693 SC9-2
Static renal scintigraphy DMSA 125 13 564 SC10
Lymphoscintigraphy 506 54 905 SC11
18FDG whole body PET-CT for tumors 1 278 138 674 PET2
18FDG brain PET-CT 1 278 138 674 PET3
Presurgery isotope marking 253 27 453 PET4
18F-DOPA PET-CT/whole body 1 557 168 947 PET6
18F-DOPA PET-CT/brain 1 361 147 680 PET7
Whole body PET/CT with 18F-PSMA 1 537 166 777 PET8
PET/CT 18F-FET brain scan 1 344 145 835 PET9
CT Simulation for Head & Neck cancer 1 329 144 208 RTCT1
CT Simulation for Lung Cancer 1 329 144 208 RTCT2
CT Simulation for any part of the body 1 329 144 208 RTCT3
CT Simulation with Respiratory Gating for Lung cancer 2 966 321 836 RTCT6
CT Simulation with Respiratory Gating for Liver cancer 2 966 321 836 RTCT7
CT Simulation with Respiratory Gating for any part of the body 2 727 295 902 RTCT8
CT Simulation for Stereotactic Body Irradiation 3 559 386 181 RTCT9
CT Simulation for Boost 1 329 144 208 RTCT10
PET CT Simulation for any part of the body 4 150 450 309 RTCT11
CT-simulation for stereotactic radiosurgery using HyperArc technology 4 491 487 311 RTCT14
CT-simulation for Electron Beam Radiotherapy 3 559 386 181 RTCT15
RT/SRS response prediction FDG molecular Imaging 1 329 144 208 RTCT16
Dose painting using molecular imaging for pretreatment/follow up/baseline 2 129 231 014 RTCT17
Targeted molecular PSMA imaging pre/post RT/SRS 1 541 167 211 RTCT18
Targeted molecular imaging  (any biomarkers) for SRS dose evaluation 1 423 154 407 RTCT19
Adaptive RT molecular Imaging Fusion 1 481 160 701 RTCT20
Brain malignancies: pretherapeutic amino acid imaging for molecular /MRI Imaging adaptive radiotherapy 1 506 163 413 RTCT21
Radiotherapy using RapidArс technology
RapidArc for Radiosurgery 2 966 321 836 RTRA1
RapidArc for Total Marrow Irradiation 3 559 386 181 RTRA2
RapidArc Boost Radiotherapy 2 207 239 478 RTRA3
RapidArc for any part of the body 1 253 135 961 RTRA4
RapidArc for any part of the body with sedation 1 518 164 716 RTRA5
RapidArc for Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) 6 197 672 426 RTRA6
Electron Beam Radiotherapy for skin 2 207 239 478 RTRA8
Stereotactic Radiosurgery 7 384 801 225 RTRA9
Radiotherapy using HyperArc technology
Stereotactic radiosurgery using HyperArc technology (from 1 to 3 lesions examination) 12 511 1 357 547 SRS1
Stereotactic radiosurgery using HyperArc technology (from 4 to 6 lesions examination) 18 779 2 037 677 SRS2
Stereotactic radiosurgery using HyperArc technology (from 6 lesions examination) 21 226 2 303 197 SRS3
Blood Irradiation
Blood Components Irradiation (1 component of blood) 1 372 148 873 RT-TRANSF2
Patient's preparing for accselerator
X-ray control, 2D (1 scan) 59 6 402 RT-FIX1
X-ray control, 3D (1 scan) 59 6 402 RT-FIX2
Dosimetric verification
In vivo dosimetry 197 21 376 RT-DOS1
Absolute dosimetry using the tissue equivalent phantom 59 6 402 RT-DOS2
Film dosimetry 238 25 825 RT-DOS3
Matrix dosimetry 158 17 144 RT-DOS4
Disposable materials
Disposable used in radiation therapy (mask, matress, other fixation devices) договорная/ on request MAT_RT
Planning of radiation therapy
IMRT Planning (before every course) 791 85 830 RT-PLAN3
RapidArc Planning (before every course) 791 85 830 RT-PLAN4
Craniospinal irradiation Planning (before every course) 829 89 953 RT-PLAN5
Stereotactic radiation therapy Planning (before every course) 1 187 128 799 RT-PLAN7
Planning of stereotactic radiosurgery using HyperArc technology 4 997 542 216 RT-PLAN8
Planning for Electron Beam Radiotherapy 1 187 128 799 RT-PLAN9
Intraoperative radiotherapy
Definite intraoperative Radiotherapy 18 573 2 015 325 IORTD
Radiotherapy (X-ray)
Skin Electronic Therapy 1 253 135 961 SRT1
Treatment with medicines and materials
Treatment with medicines договорная/ on request DPF1
Treatment with Opdivo 100 mg 1 806 195 966 DPF6
Treatment with Opdivo 40 mg 787 85 396 DPF7
Treatment with Keytruda 100 мг 3 101 336 484 DPF8
Short Oncology Treatment Session 959 104 059 ONCO1
Complex Chemotherapy 2 230 241 974 ONCO2
Personalized Immunotherapy session 2 511 272 464 ONCO3
Antitoxic Therapy 678 73 569 ONCO4
Daycare stay (onco) 297 32 227 ONCO5
Comprehensive cancer treatment 3 644 395 404 ONCO6
Radiosensetization session  (onco) 1 623 176 109 ONCO7
Blood components transfusion (onco) 1 174 127 389 ONCO8
Chemomodification procedure  373 40 474 ONCO9
Complex "Chemotherapy. Biochemical screening" №1 0 0 ONCO_LAB