European Clinic of Sports Traumatology and Orthopedics

Moscow, 7, Orlovsky pereulok

Phone: +7 495 933 66 55

Name Price, € Price, ₽ Code
CONSULTATIONS > Specialist's consultation
Extended doctor's consultation 292 27 523 CS28
Professor Consultation 352 33 178 CS29
Orthopedist supervision of one patient 1 518 143 080 ASST35
Orthopedist consultation 220 20 736 CS17
Physiotherapist consultation 220 20 736 CS18
Reflexologist consultation 220 20 736 CS22
Rheumatologist consultation 220 20 736 CS32
Extended doctor's remote consultation 292 27 523 RCS28
Orthopedist remote consultation 220 20 736 RCS17
Physiotherapist remote consultation 220 20 736 RCS18
Acupuncture specialist remote consultation 220 20 736 RCS22
Rheumatologist remote consultation 220 20 736 RCS32
Osteopathic physician consultation with house call within Moscow 513 48 353 DHC123
Physiotherapist examination with house call up to 15 km from Moscow 367 34 592 DHC47
Para-vertebral blocking 267 25 166 ANST15
Infiltration 107 10 085 ANST2
Diagnostic and treatment blocade under x-ray control 334 31 481 ANST21
Diagnostic and treatment blocade under ultrasound control 307 28 937 ANST22
Troncular anesthesia 161 15 175 ANST3
Local anesthetic blocade 267 25 166 ANST4
Lancing and drainage abscess/hematoma/cyst 1 139 107 357 SURG
Splinting/short 161 15 175 PRCD10
Minor surgery and dressing of wound less than 5 cm (except for facial area and hands) 446 42 038 PRCD12
Minor surgery and dressing of wound up to 3 cm in children (except for facial area and hands) (complexity level 1) 446 42 038 PRCD126
Removal of soft tissues foreign body in children (complexity level 1) 506 47 693 PRCD132
Ingrown nail resection 329 31 010 PRCD14
Initial surgical debridement of the wound of facial area or hands in children 759 71 540 PRCD143
Minor surgery / single abscess/haematoma cut / up to 2 cm 267 25 166 PRCD16
Cast/long 267 25 166 PRCD17
Minor surgery and dressing of wound more than 5 cm (except for facial area and hands) 534 50 333 PRCD28
Minor surgery and dressing of face or hand wound 668 62 963 PRCD29
Dressing simple 107 10 085 PRCD3
Minor surgery / single abscess/haematoma cut / > 2 cm 446 42 038 PRCD30
Bone reposition by simple fracture 355 33 461 PRCD32
Articular reduction / small joint 355 33 461 PRCD33
Big articular reduction 534 50 333 PRCD34
Diagnostic articular puncture 142 13 384 PRCD37
Autologous Conditioned Plasma - ACP injection (1 joint) 293 27 617 PRCD39
Stitches removal 107 10 085 PRCD4
Autologous Conditioned Plasma - ACP injection (2 joints) 449 42 321 PRCD40
Splinting / long 195 18 380 PRCD43
Cast / short 230 21 679 PRCD44
Locked knee treatment 267 25 166 PRCD45
Periaarticular injection 142 13 384 PRCD67
Intraarticular injection under ultrasound control 172 16 212 PRCD74
Periaarticular injection under ultrasound control 172 16 212 PRCD75
Intraarticular injection 142 13 384 PRCD8
Production of individual orthopedic corrective insoles 212 19 982 PRCD82
Dressing complicated 161 15 175 PRCD9
Joint puncture under x-ray guidance 165 15 552 PRCD93
Short static orthosis manufacturing (consumables are not included) 177 16 683 PRCD111
Long static orthosis manufacturing (consumables are not included) 216 20 359 PRCD112
Short dynamic orthosis manufacturing (consumables are not included) 241 22 716 PRCD113
Long dynamic orthosis manufacturing (consumables are not included) 292 27 523 PRCD114
Elaborate dynamic orthosis manufacturing (consumables are not included) 317 29 879 PRCD115
Intraarticular injection of stromal vascular fraction of fatty tissue + autologous conditioned plasma 1 318 124 229 PRCD156
Postisometric muscle relaxation PIR 125 11 782 PHYS1
Pelvic muscles training / Myomed 197 18 568 PHYS6
Testing of pelvic muscles condition before training 320 30 162 PHYS7
Lymphomodulation 534 50 333 PHYS8
Ultrasonic treatment/ 1 area 90 8 483 PHYS10
Ultrasonic treatment/ 2 areas 142 13 384 PHYS11
Phonophoresis / 1 area 107 10 085 PHYS12
Phonophoresis / 2 areas 161 15 175 PHYS13
Continous passive mobilisation of a joint (machine delivery, medical supervision, instructions), 24 hours 70 6 598 ART1-M
Magnithotherapy/ 1 area 62 5 844 PHYS16
Laser therapy/ 1 area 72 6 786 PHYS18
Electrotherapy/ 1 area 62 5 844 PHYS23
Electophoresis/ 1 area 62 5 844 PHYS25
Shockwave therapy 124 11 688 PHYS26
Joint mobilization 216 20 359 PHYS27
Complex of pelvic muscle training (10 sessions) 2 097 197 655 PHYS28
Complex kinesio-taping, 30 min 114 10 745 PHYS29
Standard kinesio-taping, 15 min 57 5 373 PHYS30
Interval hypoxic hyperoxic therapy 152 14 327 PHYS31
Manual therapy (1 session)
Cranial therapy / 1 session 213 20 077 MAN2
Manual therapy of joint 216 20 359 MAN8
Manual therapy of spine / 1 area (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccygeal) 216 20 359 MAN9
Massage (1 session)
Massage on "Hivamat" unit 142 13 384 PHYS35
Massage / 1 segment (cervical; thoracic; lumbar; coccygeal;1 upper limb or lower limb) 142 13 384 MSSG1
General massage / 45 min. 284 26 769 MSSG4
Myofascial release 142 13 384 MSSG11
Myofascial release of adjacent zones 228 21 490 MSSG12
Lymph-draining massage/ 1 segment (cervical; thoracic; lumbar; coccygeal; 1 upper limb or lower limb) 107 10 085 MSSG13
Massage of 2 segments (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, coccygeal), 2 limbs (upper or lower) 253 23 847 MSSG15
Exercise therapy (1 session)
Breathing exercises for children under 1.5 years 125 11 782 EX2
Individual exercise therapy 267 25 166 EX7
Exercise therapy in group 161 15 175 EX10
Exercise therapy for pregnant women/ individual 120 11 311 EX12
Exercise therapy for pregnant women in group 90 8 483 EX13
Multi joint System 4 pro Biodex 267 25 166 EX14
Combined treatment > Set №1 (1 session)
Massage + manual therapy 197 18 568 RHB1
Massage + electrotherapy 197 18 568 RHB3
Massage + rehabilitation exercise 197 18 568 RHB4
Exercise therapy + electrotherapy 197 18 568 RHB5
Electromyography/Myomed + electrotherapy 197 18 568 RHB6
Electromyography/Myomed + electromyostimulation 197 18 568 RHB7
Manual therapy+electrotherapy 197 18 568 RHB15
Manual therapy+exercise therapy 197 18 568 RHB16
Set №2 (1 session)
Massage + manual therapy+ electrotherapy 213 20 077 RHB8
Massage + manual therapy + breathing exercises 213 20 077 RHB9
Massage + manual therapy + rehabilitation exercises 213 20 077 RHB10
Massage + therapeutic exercises + breathing exercises 213 20 077 RHB12
Massage + therapeutic exercises + rehabilitation exercises 213 20 077 RHB13
In-patient physiotherapy 213 20 077 RHB14
Complex rehabilitation sets > Acupuncture
Classic cranial acupuncture 142 13 384 ACU1
Classic corporal acupuncture 253 23 847 ACU8
Auriculotherapy 107 10 085 ACU2
Thuj-na massage 175 16 495 ACU3
Cauterization with wormwood cigars 107 10 085 ACU4
Gua-sha therapy 107 10 085 ACU5
Injection acupuncture with homeopathic medecines 267 25 166 ACU7
Electro-acupuncture diagnostics (by Nakatani & Voll method) 142 13 384 ACU9
Electrostimulation reflexology (electropuncture) 142 13 384 ACU10
TRAUMATOLOGIC & ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY > Shoulder > ТRAUMATOLOGY > Plate osteosynthesis by humeral head & neck fractures
Plate osteosynthesis by non-complicated humeral head & neck fracture 2 668 251 475 TOST1
Plate osteosynthesis by multifragmental displaced humeral head & neck fracture 3 201 301 713 TOST2
Intramedullary pin osteosynthesis by humeral diaphysis fracture
Intramedullary pin osteosynthesis by simple transverse humeral diaphysis fracture 2 668 251 475 TOST3
Intramedullary pin osteosynthesis by splintered humeral diaphysis fracture 3 201 301 713 TOST4
Intramedullary pin osteosynthesis by complicated multifragmental humeral diaphysis fracture 3 556 335 174 TOST5
Plate osteosynthesis by humeral diaphysis fracture
Plate osteosynthesis by simple non-displaced humeral diaphysis fracture with minimal dislocation 2 668 251 475 TOST6
Plate osteosynthesis by humeral diaphysis fracture with moderate dislocation 3 201 301 713 TOST7
Plate osteosynthesis by complicated splintered humeral diaphysis fracture with evident dislocation 3 556 335 174 TOST8
Miniinvasive plate osteosynthesis by humeral diaphysis fracture
Miniinvasive plate osteosynthesis by simple non-displaced humeral diaphysis fracture with minimal dislocation 2 668 251 475 TOST9
Miniinvasive plate osteosynthesis by splintered moderately displaced humeral diaphysis fracture 3 201 301 713 TOST10
Miniinvasive plate osteosynthesis by splintered humeral diaphysis fracture with evident dislocation 3 556 335 174 TOST11
Plates osteosynthesis by humeral condylus fracture
Plates osteosynthesis by simple non-complicated humeral condylus fracture 2 668 251 475 TOST12
Plates osteosynthesis by complicated splintered moderately displaced humeral condylus fracture 3 201 301 713 TOST13
Plates osteosynthesis by complicated splintered humeral condylus fracture with evident dislocation 3 556 335 174 TOST14
Osteosynthesis by humeral trochinter fracture
Osteosynthesis by displaced humeral trochinter fracture 2 668 251 475 TOST15
Rotatory cuff suture
Rotatory cuff suture by partial rupture 2 668 251 475 TOST16
Rotatory cuff suture by complete rupture 2 668 251 475 TOST17
Rotatory cuff repair with tendon retruction by old rupture 3 201 301 713 TOST18
Acromioclavicular rupture repair
Acromioclavicular rupture repair / fresh rupture 2 668 251 475 TOST19
Acromioclavicular rupture repair / old rupture 3 201 301 713 TOST20
Clavicular fracture osteosynthesis
Clavicular fracture osteosynthesis / intra-medullar construction 2 668 251 475 TOST21
Clavicular fracture osteosynthesis / plate 2 668 251 475 TOST22
Clavicular fracture osteosynthesis by light dislocation 3 201 301 713 TOST23
Clavicular fracture osteosynthesis by evident dislocation 3 556 335 174 TOST24
ORTHOPEDICS > Endoprosthesis of shoulder joint
Reversing delta-prosthesis of shoulder joint 3 201 301 713 TOSO1
Total endoprosthesis of shoulder joint 3 201 301 713 TOSO2
Subtotal endoprosthesis of shoulder joint 2 668 251 475 TOSO3
Endoprosthesis of shoulder joint / revision 3 556 335 174 TOSO4
Open stabilizing operation by recurrent relapsing dislocation in shoulder joint
Primary open stabilizing operation by recurrent relapsing dislocation in shoulder joint 2 668 251 475 TOSO5
Open stabilizing operation on soft tissues by recurrent relapsing dislocation in shoulder joint / revision 3 201 301 713 TOSO6
Rotation osteotomy by recurrent relapsing dislocation 3 556 335 174 TOSO7
Glenoid osteoplasty/ Latarjet's operation 3 201 301 713 TOSO8
Repair/re-fixation of shoulder biceps tendon
Repair/re-fixation of shoulder biceps tendon by distal abruption 2 668 251 475 TOSO9
Repair/re-fixation of shoulder biceps tendon by proximal abruption 2 668 251 475 TOSO10
Closed shoulder joint setting
Closed shoulder joint setting under local anesthesia 889 83 793 TOSO11
Closed shoulder joint setting under intravenous anesthesia 1 422 134 032 TOSO12
Closed shoulder joint setting under general anesthesia with relaxation 1 779 167 681 TOSO13
Non-complicated arthroscopic revision of shoulder joint 2 277 214 621 TOSA1
Removal of solitary bodies from shoulder joint 2 668 251 475 TOSA2
Removal of multiple bodies from shoulder joint by chondromatosis + synovectomy 3 201 301 713 TOSA3
Stabilization of shoulder joint by recurrent anterior dislocation with partial abruption of glenoid 2 668 251 475 TOSA4
Stabilization of shoulder joint by recurrent anterior dislocation with complete abruption of glenoid 3 201 301 713 TOSA16
Stabilization of shoulder joint by recurrent anterior dislocation/ revision 3 556 335 174 TOSA5
Stabilization of shoulder joint by recurrent posterior dislocation 2 668 251 475 TOSA6
Stabilization of shoulder joint by recurrent posterior dislocation/ revision 3 556 335 174 TOSA7
Rotatory cuff suture without tendon retraction 2 668 251 475 TOSA8
Open rotatory cuff suture 2 668 251 475 TOSA9
Reconstruction of articular lip by SLAP / without glenoidal lip retraction 2 668 251 475 TOSA10
Reconstruction of articular lip by SLAP with evident glenoidal lip dislocation 3 201 301 713 TOSA11
Sub-acromial decompression - acromioplasty 2 312 217 920 TOSA12
Sub-acromial decompression - acromioplasty / revision 2 668 251 475 TOSA13
Arthrolysis of shoulder joint 2 668 251 475 TOSA14
Reconstruction of acromioclavicular joint rupture 2 668 251 475 TOSA15
Elbow and arm > ТRAUMATOLOGY
Osteosynthesis by simple olecranon fracture without dislocation or with light dislocation 1 779 167 681 TOET1
Osteosynthesis by complicated olecranon fracture / radius head fracture/dislocation 2 668 251 475 TOET2
Plate osteosynthesis by arm fracture /1 bone 1 779 167 681 TOET3
Plates osteosynthesis by simple arm fracture / both bones 2 668 251 475 TOET4
Plates&pin osteosynthesis by complicated arm fracture / both bones 3 556 335 174 TOET5
Plate osteosynthesis of radius by non-displaced or slightly displaced distal metaphysis fracture in typical site 2 668 251 475 TOET6
Plate osteosynthesis of radius by complicated displaced distal metaphysis fracture in typical site 3 556 335 174 TOET7
Osteosynthesis of radius by distal metaphysis fracture in typical site / bioresorbable pins 1 779 167 681 TOET8
Osteosynthesis of radius by distal metaphysis fracture in typical site / metallic pins 1 779 167 681 TOET9
Osteosynthesis by simple avulsion fracture of shoulder epicondylus / refixation 1 779 167 681 TOET10
Osteosynthesis by complicated avulsion fracture of shoulder epicondylus / refixation 2 312 217 920 TOET11
Osteosynthesis by radius head fracture 2 668 251 475 TOET12
Primary endoprosthesis of elbow joint 3 201 301 713 TOEO1
Endoprosthesis of elbow joint / revision 3 556 335 174 TOEO2
Neurolysis by Guyon's canal syndrome 2 668 251 475 TOEO3
Primary tenolysis, decompression by lateral shoulder epicondylitis ("tennis elbow") 2 668 251 475 TOEO4
Tenolysis, decompression by lateral shoulder epicondylitis ("tennis elbow") / revision 3 201 301 713 TOEO5
Synovectomy of elbow joint 1 779 167 681 TOEO6
Elbow joint setting under local anesthesia 889 83 793 TOEO7
Elbow joint setting under intravenous anesthesia 1 422 134 032 TOEO8
Elbow joint setting under general anesthesia 1 779 167 681 TOEO9
Tendinous ganglion removal / superficial 1 422 134 032 TOEO10
Tendinous ganglion removal / profound 1 779 167 681 TOEO11
Arthroscopic revision of elbow joint 2 277 214 621 TOEA1
Removal of solitary free bodies from elbow joint 2 668 251 475 TOEA2
Removal of free bodies from elbow joint by chondromatosis 2 668 251 475 TOEA3
Decompression by lateral epicondylitis ("tennis elbow") 2 312 217 920 TOEA4
Decompression by medial epicondylitis ("golf elbow") 2 312 217 920 TOEA5
Arthroplasty of elbow joint 633 59 664 TOEA6
Wrist and hand > ТRAUMATOLOGY
Plates osteosynthesis by simple metacarpal fracture 2 312 217 920 TOHT1
Plates osteosynthesis by complicated metacarpal fracture 2 668 251 475 TOHT2
Pins osteosynthesis by simple metacarpal fracture 1 779 167 681 TOHT3
Plates/pins osteosynthesis by complicated metacarpal fracture 2 668 251 475 TOHT4
Plates osteosynthesis by fingers fracture 2 668 251 475 TOHT5
Pins osteosynthesis by fingers fracture 2 312 217 920 TOHT6
Primary arthrodesis of radiocarpal joint 2 668 251 475 TOHT7
Arthrodesis of radiocarpal joint / revision 3 556 335 174 TOHT8
External Fixator on radiocarpal joint by insignificant dislocation 2 312 217 920 TOHT9
External Fixator on radiocarpal joint by evident dislocation 2 668 251 475 TOHT10
Reconstruction of the 1st metacarpophalangeal lateral ligament by fresh rupture ("skier thumb" syndrome) 1 779 167 681 TOHT11
Reconstruction of the 1st metacarpophalangeal lateral ligament by old rupture ("skier thumb" syndrome) 2 668 251 475 TOHT12
Stitching /re-fixation by flexor tendons rupture 2 312 217 920 TOHT13
Stitching /re-fixation by fresh flexor tendons rupture with tendon retraction 2 668 251 475 TOHT14
Stitching /re-fixation by old flexor tendons rupture 3 201 301 713 TOHT15
Stitching/re-fixation by fresh extensor tendons rupture 2 312 217 920 TOHT16
Stitching/re-fixation by fresh extensor tendons rupture with tendon retraction 2 668 251 475 TOHT17
Stitching/re-fixation by old extensor tendons rupture 3 201 301 713 TOHT18
Diagnostic arthroscopic revision of radiocarpal joint 2 277 214 621 TOHT19
Osteosynthesis of finger bone by wires 2 024 190 774 TOHT20
Osteosynthesis of finger bone by plate 2 530 238 467 TOHT21
Osteosynthesis of finger bone by wires or plate in case of apparent deflection 2 783 262 314 TOHT22
Osteosynthesis of unciforme by screw without deflection 2 530 238 467 TOHT23
Osteosynthesis of unciforme by screw with deflection 2 783 262 314 TOHT24
Arthrodesis of interphalangeal joint 2 530 238 467 TOHT25
Arthrodesis of metacarpophalangeal joint 2 530 238 467 TOHT26
Arthrodesis of carpometacarpal joint 2 783 262 314 TOHT27
Arthrolysis of wrist joint 2 783 262 314 TOHT28
Arthrolysis of elbow joint 3 036 286 161 TOHT29
Arthrolysis of interphalangeal joint 2 277 214 621 TOHT30
Arthrolysis of metacarpophalangeal joint 2 530 238 467 TOHT31
Synovectomy of wrist joint 2 657 250 438 TOHT33
Synovectomy of interphalangeal joint 2 404 226 591 TOHT34
Restoration of wrist joint of hand if damaged structures of unit 2 530 238 467 TOHT35
Restoration of wrist joint of hand if multiple structures in injuries 2 783 262 314 TOHT36
Navicular bone osteoplasty with graft under arthroscopic control 3 669 345 825 TOHT37
False joint bone osteoplasty with calf bone autoplast 4 934 465 059 TOHT38
Articular surface interphalangeal joint osteoplasty with transplantate of hamate bone 3 163 298 131 TOHT39
Removal of benign neoplasm of arms up to 3mm 1 645 155 051 TOHT40
Removal of benign neoplasm of arms more than 3mm 2 024 190 774 TOHT41
Removal of malignant neoplasm of arms up to 3mm 2 277 214 621 TOHT42
Removal of malignant neoplasm of arms more than 3mm 2 530 238 467 TOHT43
Arthroplasty of first carpometacarpal joint 2 783 262 314 TOHT44
Tenosynovectomy of extensor digitorum 2 404 226 591 TOHT45
Tenosynovectomy of finger flexors 2 530 238 467 TOHT46
Arthroscopic recovery of TFCC wrist 2 783 262 314 TOHT47
Reconstruction of collateral ligament of elbow joint 2 910 274 285 TOHT48
Restoration of collateral ligament of ligament finger 2 530 238 467 TOHT49
Nail plate prosthesis 2 277 214 621 TOHT50
Nail plate re-fixation 2 024 190 774 TOHT51
Reconstruction of periungual nail fold 2 657 250 438 TOHT52
Nerve suture of upper/lower limb 3 036 286 161 TOHT54
Vessel plasty of upper/lower limb with venous autograft 3 795 357 701 TOHT55
Nerve plasty of upper/lower limb with autograft 4 048 381 548 TOHT56
Finger stump formation with spare skin graft 3 036 286 161 TOHT57
Skin graft plasty 4 048 381 548 TOHT58
Plasty with feeding pedicle skin graft 4 048 381 548 TOHT59
Primary surgical treatment, terminalization of skin graft 2 404 226 591 TOHT60
Terminalization of large segments of upper/lower limb 3 163 298 131 TOHT61
Reimplantation/revascularization of finger when damaged two or more vessels 5 693 536 599 TOHT62
Reimplantation/revascularization of finger when damaged one vessel 3 669 345 825 TOHT63
Reimplantation/revascularization of toe if damaged two or more vessels 5 693 536 599 TOHT64
Reimplantation/revascularization of toe if damaged one vessel 3 669 345 825 TOHT65
Reimplantation/revascularization of wrist on wrist joint level if damaged two or more great vessels 6 578 620 015 TOHT66
Reimplantation/revascularization of wrist on wrist joint level if damaged one great vessel 4 807 453 088 TOHT67
Reimplantation/revascularization of large segments of upper limb if damaged two or more great vessels 7 590 715 402 TOHT68
Reimplantation/revascularization of large segments of upper limb if damaged one great vessel 4 934 465 059 TOHT69
Reimplantation/revascularization of large segments of lower limb if damaged two or more great vessels 8 855 834 636 TOHT70
Reimplantation/revascularization of large segments of lower limb if damaged one great vessel 4 997 470 997 TOHT71
Transplantion of toe knuckle for replacement on finger 5 693 536 599 TOHT72
Grafting toe to hand 6 958 655 833 TOHT73
Closure of hand defect with composite spare graft 5 693 536 599 TOHT74
Simple closure of hand defect with spare graft 3 542 333 854 TOHT75
Closure of upper limb with composite spare graft (excluding hand) 5 693 536 599 TOHT76
Simple closure of upper limb with spare graft (excluding hand) 3 542 333 854 TOHT77
Closure of hand defect with local flap 3 669 345 825 TOHT78
Closure of upper limb with local flap (excluding hand) 3 669 345 825 TOHT79
Closure of foot defect with composite spare graft 6 325 596 169 TOHT80
Closure of foot defect with simple spare graft 4 934 465 059 TOHT81
Closure of lowerlimb with spare graft (excluding foot) 6 958 655 833 TOHT82
Closure of foot defect with localflap 4 048 381 548 TOHT83
Closure of lowerlimb with localflap (excluding foot) 4 428 417 365 TOHT84
Tenolysis of finger flexor tendon 2 530 238 467 TOHT85
Tenolysis of extensor digitorum tendon 2 530 238 467 TOHT86
Removal of additional segment (finger) in case of polydactyly 2 277 214 621 TOHT87
Removal of additional segments (finger) in case of polydactyly 2 530 238 467 TOHT88
Poliscization of second finger 5 693 536 599 TOHT89
Debridment of wound less than 10 cm 1 898 178 898 TOHT90
Debridment of wound more than 10 cm 2 151 202 744 TOHT91
Plasty of wrist joint ligament 3 163 298 131 TOHT92
Tansposition of upper limb tendon 2 657 250 438 TOHT93
Tansposition of lower limb tendon 3 163 298 131 TOHT94
Neurolysis in compression of nerve 2 657 250 438 TOHT95
Osteotomy of forearm bones 2 783 262 314 TOHT96
Osteotomy of hand bones 2 530 238 467 TOHT97
Cast removal (ECSTO) 128 12 065 TOHT98
Immobilization with clavicular bandage 153 14 421 TOHT99
Superficial abscess dissection (ECSTO) 823 77 573 TOHT100
Deep abscess dissection (ECSTO) 1 076 101 419 TOHT101
Hematoma dissection (ECSTO) 1 392 131 204 TOHT102
Endoprosthesis of fingers (first carpophalangeal joints) 2 668 251 475 TOHO1
Endoprosthesis of fingers / tenolysis by de Quervain's tendovaginitis 1 779 167 681 TOHO2
Endoprosthesis of fingers / tenolysis by stenosing tendovaginitis ("snapping finger" syndrome) 1 779 167 681 TOHO3
Osteosynthesis of navicular bone by fracture 2 668 251 475 TOHO4
Osteosynthesis of navicular bone by pseudo arthrosis 3 201 301 713 TOHO5
Osteosynthesis of navicular bone by pseudo arthrosis/osteoplasty 3 556 335 174 TOHO6
Primary osteosynthesis by navicular bone fracture with Herbert's screw 2 668 251 475 TOHO7
Enchondroma removal 1 779 167 681 TOHO8
Palmar aponeurosis removal by Dupuytren's contracture / without finger contracture 2 312 217 920 TOHO9
Palmar aponeurosis removal by Dupuytren's contracture / with moderate finger contracture 2 668 251 475 TOHO10
Palmar aponeurosis removal by Dupuytren's contracture / with evident finger contracture 3 556 335 174 TOHO11
Lunatum bone osteoplasty by Kienbock's disease 3 556 335 174 TOHO12
Lunatum bone endoprosthesis by Kienbock's disease 2 668 251 475 TOHO13
Tendinous ganglion removal / superficial localization 1 779 167 681 TOHO14
Tendinous ganglion removal / deep localization 2 312 217 920 TOHO15
Trapezoid bone endoprosthesis by rizarthrosis 2 668 251 475 TOHO16
Finger separation by syndactylism 3 556 335 174 TOHO17
Decompression of carpal canal / complexity level 1 2 312 217 920 TOHO18
Decompression of carpal canal / complexity level 2 3 468 326 879 TOHO18.1
Decompression of carpal canal / complexity level 3 4 624 435 839 TOHO18.2
Bursectomy of elbow joint 2 404 226 591 TOHO32
Dissection of carpal ligament / decompression of carpal canal / complexity level 1 2 668 251 475 TOHA1
Dissection of carpal ligament / decompression of carpal canal / complexity level 2 4 003 377 306 TOHA1.1
Dissection of carpal ligament / decompression of carpal canal / complexity level 3 5 336 502 949 TOHA1.2
Arthroscopic revision of wrist 2 277 214 621 TOHA2
Coxofemoral joint, neck of femure > TRAUMATOLOGY
Osteosynthesis by non-displaced femoral neck fracture / cannulated screws 2 312 217 920 TOCT1
Osteosynthesis by moderately displaced femoral neck fracture / cannulated screws 2 668 251 475 TOCT2
Osteosynthesis by noticeably displaced femoral neck fracture / cannulated screws 3 201 301 713 TOCT3
Osteosynthesis by femoral neck fracture / dynamic hip screw (DHS) 3 201 301 713 TOCT4
Osteosynthesis by femoral neck fracture / gamma nail 2 668 251 475 TOCT5
Osteosynthesis by greater femoral trochanter fracture 3 201 301 713 TOCT6
Primary total coxofemoral endoprosthesis / light deformation 3 556 335 174 TOCO1
Primary total coxofemoral endoprosthesis / moderate deformation 4 090 385 507 TOCO2
Primary total coxofemoral endoprosthesis / evident deformation 4 979 469 300 TOCO3
Primary total coxofemoral endoprosthesis by evident femoral dysplasia / deformation 4 979 469 300 TOCO4
Primary total coxofemoral endoprosthesis by evident acetabulum dysplasia / deformation 5 335 502 855 TOCO5
Primary hemialloplastic coxofemoral endoprosthesis 2 668 251 475 TOCO6
Hemialloplastic coxofemoral endoprosthesis / revision 3 556 335 174 TOCO7
Superficial coxofemoral endoprosthesis 3 556 335 174 TOCO8
Arthroscopic coxofemoral decompression by anterior (ventral) impingement syndrome 2 668 251 475 TOCT9
Arthrotomic coxofemoral decompression with surgical dearticulation of femoral head 2 668 251 475 TOCT10
Femoral neck tunneling & augmentation with peroneal transplant by aseptic necrosis of femoral head 3 201 301 713 TOCT11
Hip joint replacement 2 467 232 529 TOCO9
Bipolar revision hip joint replacement 6 958 655 833 TOCO10
Removal of hip endoprosthesis with spacer implantation non-complicated 3 163 298 131 TOCO11
Removal of hip endoprosthesis with spacer implantation complicated 5 693 536 599 TOCO12
Subtotal minimally invasive hip joint replacement 4 491 423 303 TOCO13
Total minimally invasive hip joint replacement 7 717 727 373 TOCO14
Individual hip joint replacement 8 223 775 066 TOCO15
Simple arthroscopic coxofemoral revision 2 277 214 621 TOCA1
Coxofemoral revision with removal of solitary free bodies 2 668 251 475 TOCA2
Anterior coxofemoral decompression by ventral impingement 3 201 301 713 TOCA3
Osteosynthesis by simple femoral trochanter fracture 2 668 251 475 TOFT1
Osteosynthesis by non-displaced femoral trochanter fracture 2 668 251 475 TOFT2
Osteosynthesis by moderately displaced femoral trochanter fracture 3 201 301 713 TOFT3
Osteosynthesis by femoral trochanter fracture with evident dislocation 3 556 335 174 TOFT4
Osteosynthesis by non-displaced femoral sub-trochanter fracture 2 668 251 475 TOFT5
Osteosynthesis by femoral sub-trochanter fracture with moderate dislocation 3 201 301 713 TOFT6
Osteosynthesis by femoral sub-trochanter fracture with evident dislocation 3 556 335 174 TOFT7
Osteosynthesis by simple femoral sub-trochanter fracture / intramedullar blocked pin 2 668 251 475 TOFT8
Osteosynthesis by moderately displaced splintered femoral sub-trochanter fractures / intramedullar blocked pin 3 201 301 713 TOFT9
Osteosynthesis by compound splintered fracture / intramedullar blocked pin 3 556 335 174 TOFT10
Osteosynthesis by simple femoral sub-trochanter fracture / plate 2 668 251 475 TOFT11
Osteosynthesis by moderately displaced splintered femoral sub-trochanter fractures / plate 3 201 301 713 TOFT12
Osteosynthesis by compound splintered fracture / plate 3 556 335 174 TOFT13
Osteosynthesis by simple femoral sub-trochanter fracture / mini-invasive plate 2 668 251 475 TOFT14
Osteosynthesis by moderately displaced splintered femoral sub-trochanter fractures / mini-invasive plate 3 201 301 713 TOFT15
Osteosynthesis by compound splintered fracture / mini-invasive plate 3 556 335 174 TOFT16
Osteosynthesis by distal femoral meta-epiphysis fracture / angular plate 3 201 301 713 TOFT17
Osteosynthesis by distal femoral meta-epiphysis fracture / DCS 2 668 251 475 TOFT18
Osteosynthesis by distal femoral meta-epiphysis fracture / condylar plate 3 201 301 713 TOFT19
Osteosynthesis by distal femoral meta-epiphysis fracture / intra-medullar retrograde pin 2 668 251 475 TOFT20
Femoral osteosynthesis with external fixer / temporal fixation 1 779 167 681 TOFT21
Femoral osteosynthesis with external fixer / permanent fixation 2 668 251 475 TOFT22
Lower extremity skeletal traction by heelbone 889 83 793 TOFT23
Lower extremity skeletal traction by tibial tuberosity 889 83 793 TOFT24
Lower extremity skeletal traction by femoral condyles 889 83 793 TOFT25
Primary femoral osteosynthesis by pseudo arthrosis 2 668 251 475 TOFO1
Primary femoral osteosynthesis by pseudo arthrosis & osteoplasty 3 201 301 713 TOFO2
Femoral osteosynthesis by pseudo arthrosis / revision 3 201 301 713 TOFO3
Primary femoral osteosynthesis by pseudo arthrosis / revision & osteoplasty 3 556 335 174 TOFO4
Proximal femoral osteotomy with navigation 3 201 301 713 TOFO5
Distal femoral osteotomy with navigation 3 556 335 174 TOFO6
Femoral bone extension with navigation / Ilizarov's apparatus 3 556 335 174 TOFO7
Femoral bone extension with navigation / intra-medullar fixator 3 201 301 713 TOFO8
Cerclage fixators by simple peri-prosthetic fracture 2 312 217 920 TOFO9
Cerclage fixators by compound peri-prosthetic fracture 2 668 251 475 TOFO10
Plate osteosynthesis by simple intraarticular tibial metaphysis fracture 2 668 251 475 TOKT1
Plate osteosynthesis by moderately displaced intraarticular tibial metaphysis fracture 3 201 301 713 TOKT2
Plate osteosynthesis by compound intraarticular tibial metaphysis fracture 3 556 335 174 TOKT3
Osteosynthesis of complete intraarticular fracture / 2 plates 3 556 335 174 TOKT4
Primary osteosynthesis by kneecap fracture 2 312 217 920 TOKT5
Osteosynthesis by kneecap fracture / revision 2 668 251 475 TOKT6
Reconstruction of kneecap ligament / primary 2 668 251 475 TOKT7
Primary reconstruction of kneecap ligament / tendinous autogenic graft 3 201 301 713 TOKT8
Reconstruction of kneecap ligament / revision 3 556 335 174 TOKT9
Primary re-fixation of quadriceps tendon / fresh rupture 3 201 301 713 TOKT10
Primary re-fixation of quadriceps tendon / old rupture 3 201 301 713 TOKT11
Re-fixation of quadriceps tendon / revision 3 556 335 174 TOKT12
Knee joint endoprosthesis / single condylus 3 201 301 713 TOKO1
Primary total knee joint endoprosthesis by moderate deformation 3 556 335 174 TOKO2
Primary total knee joint endoprosthesis by evident deformation 3 912 368 729 TOKO3
Total knee joint endoprosthesis / revision 4 090 385 507 TOKO4
Total knee joint endoprosthesis / revision & osteoplasty 4 445 418 967 TOKO5
Primary patello-femoral endoprosthesis 2 668 251 475 TOKO6
Patello-femoral endoprosthesis / revision 3 201 301 713 TOKO7
Femoral bone extension with navigation / intra-medullar pin 2 668 251 475 TOKO8
Arthrodesia of knee joint / Ilizarov's apparatus 3 556 335 174 TOKO9
Arthrodesia of knee joint / plates 3 201 301 713 TOKO10
Knee joint replacement 2 467 232 529 TOKO11
Primary total knee joint replacement with valgus/ varus deformity 4 491 423 303 TOKO12
Primary total minimally invasive knee joint replacement 6 768 637 924 TOKO13
Individual total knee joint replacement 8 286 781 004 TOKO14
Arthroscopic knee joint revision / diagnostic, with biopsy 2 277 214 621 TOKA1
Meniscectomy 2 312 217 920 TOKA2
Meniscal suture 2 668 251 475 TOKA3
Free bodies removal 2 312 217 920 TOKA4
Ligamentoplasty/ anterior cruciform ligament 3 201 301 713 TOKA5
Ligamentoplasty - anterior cruciform ligament/ revision 3 201 301 713 TOKA6
Ligamentoplasty/ posterior cruciform ligament 3 201 301 713 TOKA7
Ligamentoplasty - posterior cruciform ligament/ revision 3 201 301 713 TOKA8
Ligamentoplasty/ anterior & posterior cruciform ligaments 3 556 335 174 TOKA9
Ligamentoplasty- anterior & posterior cruciform ligaments/ revision 4 090 385 507 TOKA10
Medial collateral ligament repair by fresh rupture 2 312 217 920 TOKA11
Medial collateral ligament repair by old rupture 2 668 251 475 TOKA12
Lateral collateral ligament repair by fresh rupture 2 668 251 475 TOKA13
Lateral collateral ligament repair by old rupture 3 556 335 174 TOKA14
Knee joint capsule repair 3 556 335 174 TOKA15
Shaving and cleaning of knee cartilage 2 312 217 920 TOKA16
Knee cartilage microfracture/ tunneling 2 312 217 920 TOKA17
Cartilage fixation by dissecting osteochondritis 3 201 301 713 TOKA18
Autoplasty with osteo-articular transfer system (OATS) 3 201 301 713 TOKA19
Kneecap stabilization/ lateral cutting off 2 312 217 920 TOKA20
Kneecap stabilization/ Yamamoto suture 2 668 251 475 TOKA21
Kneecap stabilization/ medial capsulorrhaphy 3 201 301 713 TOKA22
MPFL (medial patello-femoral ligament) reconstruction 3 201 301 713 TOKA23
Patello-femoral joint reconstruction by evident dysplasia 3 556 335 174 TOKA24
Tibial tuberosity transposition 3 201 301 713 TOKA25
Knee arthrolysis 2 312 217 920 TOKA26
*+50% extra charge for arthroscopy on both knees увел. тарифа на 50% /extra charge 50% TOKA27
Osteosynthesis by tibial diaphysis fracture / locking nail 2 668 251 475 TOLT1
Osteosynthesis by tibial diaphysis fracture / plate 2 668 251 475 TOLT2
Osteosynthesis by tibial diaphysis fracture / external fixation 2 668 251 475 TOLT3
Peroneal osteosynthesis by diaphysis fracture 2 668 251 475 TOLT4
Peroneal osteosynthesis pseudoarthrosis 3 201 301 713 TOLT5
Primary tibial osteosynthesis by pseudoarthrosis 2 668 251 475 TOLT6
Tibial osteosynthesis by pseudoarthrosis / revision 3 201 301 713 TOLT7
Tibial osteosynthesis by pseudoarthrosis / revision + osteoplasty 3 556 335 174 TOLT8
Open correcting high tibial osteotomy 3 201 301 713 TOLO1
Close correcting high tibial osteotomy 3 201 301 713 TOLO2
Distal correcting tibial osteotomy 3 201 301 713 TOLO3
Osteosynthesis by distal/proximal tibial metaphysis fractures (intraarticular fractures) 2 668 251 475 TOLT9
Ankle and foot > ТRAUMATOLOGY
Subcutaneous suture of Achilles tendon 2 312 217 920 TOAT1
Primary open reconstruction of Achilles tendon 3 201 301 713 TOAT2
Open reconstruction of Achilles tendon / revision 3 201 301 713 TOAT3
Osteosynthesis of external malleolus fracture 2 312 217 920 TOAT4
Osteosynthesis of internal malleolus fracture 2 312 217 920 TOAT5
Osteosynthesis by fracture of both malleoli 2 668 251 475 TOAT6
Osteosynthesis by fracture of both malleoli and posterior tibial edge 2 668 251 475 TOAT7
Reconstruction of ankle joint ligament / fresh rupture 2 668 251 475 TOAO1
Reconstruction of ankle joint ligament / old rupture 3 201 301 713 TOAO2
Reconstruction of ankle joint ligament / chronic instability of ankle joint 3 556 335 174 TOAO3
Primary arthrodesis of ankle joint 3 201 301 713 TOAO4
Arthrodesis of ankle joint / revision 3 556 335 174 TOAO5
Primary endoprosthetic repair of ankle joint 3 201 301 713 TOAO6
Endoprosthetic repair of ankle joint / revision 3 556 335 174 TOAO7
Neurolysis of common peroneal nerve / complexity level 1 2 668 251 475 TOLO4
Neurolysis of common peroneal nerve / complexity level 2 4 003 377 306 TOLO4.1
Neurolysis of common peroneal nerve / complexity level 3 5 336 502 949 TOLO4.2
Arthroscopic revision of ankle joint 2 277 214 621 TOAA1
Micro-fracture/ tunneling of ankle joint 2 312 217 920 TOAA2
Ankle joint free bodies removal 2 668 251 475 TOAA3
Resection of posterior process of talus 3 201 301 713 TOAA4
Сheilotomy/ synovectomy of ankle joint 3 201 301 713 TOAA5
Arthroscopic revision of subtalar joint 2 277 214 621 TOAA6
Osteosynthesis by metatarsal fracture / pins 2 312 217 920 TOPT1
Osteosynthesis by metatarsal fracture / plates 3 201 301 713 TOPT2
Osteosynthesis by metatarsal fracture / screws 3 201 301 713 TOPT3
Osteosynthesis by simple heel bone fracture / plate 2 668 251 475 TOPT4
Osteosynthesis by splintered heel bone fracture / plate 3 201 301 713 TOPT5
Osteosynthesis by compound splintered heel bone fracture / plate 3 556 335 174 TOPT6
Anterior foot reconstruction by its deformation 2 668 251 475 TOPO1
Correcting osteotomy of heel bone 2 668 251 475 TOPO2
Correcting osteotomy of metatarsal bones (1 foot) 1 779 167 681 TOPO3
Correcting osteotomy of metatarsal bones (2 feet) 3 201 301 713 TOPO4
Correcting osteotomy of toes phalanges (1 foot) 1 779 167 681 TOPO5
Correcting osteotomy of toes phalanges (2 feet) 3 201 301 713 TOPO6
Arthrodesis of anterior/middle foot 2 312 217 920 TOPO7
Toes/fingers amputation 1 779 167 681 TOPO8
Tendomuscular plasty of foot 2 312 217 920 TOPO9
Astragalocalcanean arthrorisis 2 312 217 920 TOPO10
Foot arthrodesis 2 668 251 475 TOPO11
Marginal resection of small cortical / spongy bones 1 779 167 681 TOPO12
Marginal resection of spongy bones 2 312 217 920 TOPO13
Subtalar arthrodesis 2 668 251 475 TOPO14
Biarticulate arthrodesis 3 201 301 713 TOPO15
Triple-articulate arthrodesis 3 556 335 174 TOPO16
Metatarsophalangeal endoprosthesis 1 779 167 681 TOPO17
Surgical correction of foot deformity (2 feet) 1 835 172 960 TOPO18
Correction of the foot  first ray (1 foot) 1 518 143 080 TOPO19
Osteoplastic surgery on the forefoot (1 foot) 1 582 149 113 TOPO20
Osteoplastic surgery on the midfoot (1 foot) 1 582 149 113 TOPO21
Osteoplastic surgery on the hindfoot (1 foot) 1 582 149 113 TOPO22
Reconstructive surgery on the fore/mid/hind foot section (1 foot) 4 681 441 212 TOPO23
Distal revision/ by calcaneal spurs 2 312 217 920 TOPA2
Distal revision/ by plantar fasciitis 2 312 217 920 TOPA3
Pelvic bones > ТRAUMATOLOGY
Osteosynthesis of acetabulum 2 668 251 475 TOVT1
Osteosynthesis of pelvic bones by instability / external fixation 2 312 217 920 TOVT2
METALLIC FIXERS REMOVAL installed in EMC/ foot, ankle 1 422 134 032 TOFR1
Metallic fixers removal installed beyond EMC / foot, ankle 1 779 167 681 TOFR2
Metallic fixers removal installed in EMC / lower extremity 1 422 134 032 TOFR3
Metallic fixers removal installed beyond EMC / lower extremity 1 779 167 681 TOFR4
METALLIC FIXERS REMOVAL installed in EMC / radiocarpal joint, hand 1 422 134 032 TOFR5
Metallic fixers removal installed beyond EMC / radiocarpal joint, hand 1 779 167 681 TOFR6
Solitary pins / screws removal 534 50 333 TOFR7
Metallic fixers removal installed in EMC / upper extremity 1 422 134 032 TOFR8
Metallic fixers removal installed beyond EMC / upper extremity 1 779 167 681 TOFR9