Moshnyatskaya (Zamyatina) Valeriya

Graduated from the Faculty of Clinical Psychology of the Moscow State Medical Dentistry University. named after A.I. Evdokimov. In 2017 underwent professional retraining course at the Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology on the topics: «Basics of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology», «Perinatal Psychology and Psychology of the Reproductive Sphere», «Managing with perinatal losses. Psychological assistance in experiencing grief» and in 2018 on the topic: «Methods of short-term therapy».
- the method of short-term therapy (allows the patient to solve some of the questions already at the first meeting and to plan further tactics for subsequent meetings, if necessary);
- techniques for working with reproductive and perinatal problems (allow working with women (couples) who are faced with problems of infertility: family crises, anxiety, fears, sexual disorders, conflicts, loss of life interest; solving problems related to pregnancy: discomfort, anxiety, fatigue, fear of childbirth, preparation for a comfortable parenthood, the adoption of the child and the maternal position);
- body techniques (used to restore contact with the body, to understand your own needs, body-oriented therapy is used when working with femininity, sexuality, self-acceptance);
- techniques of managing with losses and grief experiencing (when working with perinatal losses and failures, help in experiencing grief and loss, enable the patient to move forward).
From 2015 to 2017 worked as a psychologist in the boarding house for labor veterans No. 29, from 2018 to 2019 worked as a clinical psychologist in the «UGK I am healthy!».
Мошняцкая (Замятина) Валерия