Iuldashev Anvar

Iuldashev Anvar

Abdominal surgeon, Coloproctologist, Surgeon, Oncologist
Ph.D. of Medical Sciences
Iuldashev Anvar
  • Adults only


In 2006, he graduated from the Urgench branch of Tashkent Medical Academy. From 2006 to 2008, he trained in residency with the coloproctology pelvic surgery department of the B.V. Petrovsky Russian National Center of Surgery (certified surgeon). 2008 - 2012 - post-graduate study at the coloproctology pelvic surgery department of the B.V. Petrovsky Russian National Center of Surgery.

He successfully defended his thesis on "Extended lymphadenectomy in the treatment of cancer of the left colon," which forced coloproctologists and oncologists to look at the problem of colon cancer from a new perspective. The work was closely related to and based on Japanese principles of cancer surgery.

Beginning of the medical career
Starts working at EMC


From 2006 to 2008, he worked in the Moscow Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 20, where he received great general surgical training. He has detailed understanding of the theory and all aspects of daily practice routine and emergency surgical treatment of abdominal organs. During training, he performed operations on various organs of the abdomen (for appendicitis, perforation of duodenal ulcer and gastric, intestinal obstruction, peritonitis of various etiology, rupturing of parenchymal organs, abscesses, necrotizing pancreatitis, hydatid cysts of the liver, gallbladder removal), and surgical treatment for portal hypertension in cirrhosis.

From 2008 to 2012, he underwent specialized training at the coloproctology pelvic surgery department of the B.V. Petrovsky Russian National Center of Surgery. This highly specialized area allowed him to explore coloproctology and colorectal oncology in detail. He independently performed a range of operations for diseases of the abdomen and pelvis, as well as assisted in various operations (gastrectomy D3, lymphadenectomy, esophagus extirpation, fundoplication, nephrectomy, renal transplantation, liver transplantation, and right and left hemihepatectomy).

Professional interests

Minimally invasive laparoscopic proctology and colorectal surgery.

Scientific works

He annually takes part in international and Russian conferences on coloproctology and colorectal surgery.


Russian, English, Turkish.

Beginning of the medical career
Starts working at EMC
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Йулдашев Анвар
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