Yatsyshina Olga

- Adults only
Olga Yatsishina received basic medical education in The Russian State Medical University. Established herself as an endocrinologist in the Endocrinology Research Center of The Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Finished there the clinical residency and fellowship and worked with leading Russian endocrinologists: prof. Melnichenko G.A., prof. Marova E.I., prof. Rozhinskaya L.Y., prof. Shestakova M.V., prof. Galstyan G.R. etc.
In 2002, was invited by the Academician N.N. Burdenko Research Institute of Neurosurgery of The Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. In scientific cooperation and under the guidance of prof. Kadyshev B.A. she developed a method of correction of endocrine disorders on tumors of the hypothalamo-pituitary area. In 2003 she defended the thesis on the subject of ongoing works during that period. Working with the team of the doctors of the emergency department acquired the unique experience of diagnostics and treatment of endocrine disorders on pituitary adenomas, cerebral injury. In 2010 she studied at the Kulakov V.I. Research Center of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences with a specialization in "Gynecological Endocrinology." In 2011 she confirmed her professional skills in the field of "Diagnostics and treatment of osteoporosis" with the certificate. Total experience in "Endocrinology" - 12 years.
Endocrine disorders of the reproductive system (hyperprolactinemia, endocrine infertility, menstrual disorders, women hyperandrogenism, polycystic ovarian syndrome, androgen deficiency of the aging men, gynecomastia);
Thyroid diseases (Hashimoto thyroiditis, nodular and diffuse goiter, thyroid cancer, hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis);
Russian, English.
Яцишина Ольга