Syutkina Evgeniya

- Adults and children
Is a specialist in orthodontic treatment for children and adults. Draws up an individual orthodontic treatment plan based on comprehensive diagnostics. Pays special attention to prevention and timely initiation of orthodontic treatment in children, which allows creating optimal conditions for the correct formation of occlusion and growth of the patient's facial skeleton.
Key competencies:
All types of malocclusion and position of teeth, diseases of the temporomandibular joint, dysfunction of the muscles of the maxillofacial region.
Masters the following techniques:
- Treatment using Invisalign aligners
- Removable orthodontic plates and devices
- Permanent retainers (Marco-Rossa, Haas, etc.)
- Braces (vestibular (external), lingual (internal), previously treated using 2 by 4 appliance)
- Orthodontic preparation for prosthetics
Graduated with honors from the Perm State Medical University with a degree in Dentistry. Studied in residency in the specialty Orthodontics at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics. Successfully completed full-time postgraduate studies, defended her Ph.D. thesis.
Participant of the "Face" course in Orthodontics (Moscow).
27 scientific publications, 2 patents for invention.
Russian, english.
Internship at the Heinrich Heine University (Dusseldorf, Germany).
Internship at the Otto-von-Guerinke University (Magdeburg, Germany).
Internship in Biomechanics in orthodontics under the guidance of Dr. Fierelli, B. Melsen (Italy).
Сюткина Евгения