He graduated from Yerevan State Medical University (Department of Medicine) in 1998. In the same year, he started residency at the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry.
He is a certified specialist in the field of orthopedic dentistry. He is a specialist in aesthetic dentistry, micro prosthetics and prosthetic implants using different systems (NOBEL BIOCARE, CAMLOG, ASTRA TECH, BIOHORIZONT and ALFA BIO).
He widely applies in practice various techniques in aesthetic prosthesis-veneers, inlays, onlays and overlays, all-ceramic crowns from EMAX, and crowns based on zirconium dioxide (CAD/CAM technology).
Planning and rehabilitation for edentulism with implant-based, computer-assisted planning of aesthetically important zones (Dental Smile Design DSD).
Prosthetics on implants in aesthetically important zones.
He regularly participates in professional conferences and master classes that enhance his skills based on Western schools.
Russian, English.
Степанян Сергей