Salyukova Juliya

- Adults only
In 1999 graduated from the clinical residency in Scientific Research Institute of Urology, Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare, in 2002 completed Ph. D. program in Federal State Institution National Research Centre of Urology, Russian Medical Technology. Julia Ruslanovna is a certified specialist of the functional diagnostics of the lower urinary tract, an expert of complex urodynamic examination conduction. Applies minimally invasive methods of treatment of the stress forms of urinary incontinence. Employs modern methods of diagnostics and treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of the urinary bladder, both bacterial and of other etiology.
Practical and scientific sphere of interest encloses issues of diagnostics and treatment of urination disorders associated with neurological state – that all compromises neurourology. Specializes on female urology, functional disorders of urination, that proceed in postmenopausal period, and also on disorders, associated with age-related changes of pelvic fundus muscles, including diagnostics and treatment of urinary incontinence.
Author of more than 30 published works, occasionally publishes in specialized editions, presents the results of treatment of functional disorders in urination on conferences of regional and federal significance.
Салюкова Юлия