Mikhalenko Ilya

- Adults and children
Graduated from the Russian Research Medical University with a specialization in pediatrics, clinical residency in the specialty of "physician of exercise therapy and sports medicine".
He was trained for restorative treatment in children with infantile cerebral paralysis and other diseases at Bonn clinics, Germany.
Certified specialist in kinesiotaping. Specializes in the rehabilitation of both children and adults with various pathologies.
From 2007 to 2008, he had been working at the Research Institute of Cardiovascular Pathology as a laboratory assistant of the department. From 2010 to 2014 he had been working as a massage therapist in a rehabilitation centre for the function of the musculoskeletal system restoring. After graduating from the clinical residency, he worked in the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital as an exercise therapy doctor at the physical training unit in the department of medical rehabilitation.
Skilled in various methods of kinesiotherapy for adults and children, such as Vojta therapy, PNF therapy, craniosacral therapy, respiratory therapy, Castilio-Morales technique, and mechanotherapy.
Neurorehabilitation, traumatological rehabilitation and rehabilitation of seriously ill patients.
Russian, English
Михаленко Илья