Malyar Stanislav

Graduated from the Russian National Research Medical University n.a. N.I. Pirogov (RNRMU) in the specialty "pediatrics", clinical residency at the department of Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine of the Russian National Research Medical University n.a. N.I. Pirogov (RNIMU).
Additional education:
2010 - Courses of medical massage on the basis of State Clinical Hospital № 55.
2014 - Courses on the kinesiotaping, KTA 1-2.
2016 - Advanced Training on the Galileo device.
2016 - Courses on kinesiotaping, KTA 3-4.
2011-2013 - Russian Clinical Hospital - department of medical ehabilitation, resident physician. Functional duties: implementation of various techniques of applied kinesiotherapy (Vojta, PNF, micromanual therapy, kinesiotherapy in the act of swallowing and speech disorders, utilization of the Galileo vibroplatform).
2010-2013 - City polyclinic № 154 (branch № 5), the massage therapist.
2013-2017 - Russian Clinical Hospital - Department of Medical Rehabilitation, Physician of Physical Fitness. Functional duties: implementation of various techniques of applied kinesiotherapy (Vojta, PNF, micromanual therapy, kinesiotherapy in the act of swallowing and speech disorders, utilization of the Galileo vibroplatform).
Маляр Станислав