Graduated from the Astrakhan State Medical Academy with a degree in General Medicine, completed residency at the Regional Clinical Hospital of the Astrakhan State Medical Academy with a degree in Surgery.
Underwent professional retraining on the Coloproctology program at the State Scientific Center for Coloproctology of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (2010) as well as the program “Doctor of Ultrasound Diagnostics” at the Russian Scientific Center for X-ray Radiology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (2019).
Advanced training programs:
- “Endoscopic interventions in surgery”, Institute for Advanced Training for Doctors “National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov ", 2009
- “Surgery”, “Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education”, Department of Surgery with a course of hepatology, 2012
- “Laser medicine”, State Scientific Center for Laser Medicine of the Federal Medical Biological Agency, 2014
- “Coloproctology”, Institute of Advanced Training for Doctors, the Federal State Institution “National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov , 2016
- “Fundamentals of Clinical and Aesthetic Mammology”, Faculty of Advanced training for Health care professionals of the Russian University of people's friendship, 2016
- “Surgery”, Institute of Advanced Training for Doctors, the Federal State Institution “National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov, 2017
- Coloproctology: diagnosis and treatment of all diseases of the rectum and anorectal region, conservative and surgical treatment of chronic hemorrhoids, fistulas, acute and chronic anal fissures, diagnosis and treatment of specific and nonspecific colitis, proctitis, Crohn’s disease, rectal dysbiosis, correction of the external complex using an ultrasound Harmonic scalpel, Surgitron device.
- Differential diagnosis. Emergency coloproctology: treatment of acute thrombosis of hemorrhoids, proctitis, paraproctitis, sclerotherapy procedure in internal hemorrhoidal bleeding .
- Surgical treatment: minimally invasive surgery for hemorrhoidal disease: hemorrhoidal artery ligation under Doppler US control and rectal mucopexy. DHAL-RAR training under the guidance of Professor Zagryadsky EA, radiofrequency ablation of hemorrhoids, 2009.
- Examination and management of pregnant women with the diseases of the rectum.
- Phlebology: diagnosis and treatment of venous diseases. Phlebectomy, radiofrequency ablation, VNUS procedure, endovenose laser coagulation, sclerotherapy using Foam-Foam foam, mini phlebectomy. Management of vein pathology in pregnant women. Selection of compression stockings. Conservative treatment of patients with peripheral arterial disease.
Крищанович Ольга