Lobanova (Kakaulina) Viktoria

- Adults and children
Viktoria graduated from the pediatric faculty of the Russian State Medical University. She took her clinical internship at the department of neurology and neurosurgery of the pediatric faculty of the Russian State Medical University.
In 2006, she continued her education and took courses in neurosurgery in the Russian medical academy for post-diploma education (Moscow), in 2007 – she took courses for improvement of qualifications in clinical electroencephalography with basic video electroencephalography monitoring (Russian State Medical University, Moscow).
She teaches at the department of neurology, neurosurgery and medical genetics at the Russian State Medical University.
Doctor has skills in electroencephalography and video electroencephalography monitoring.
The sphere of practical interests of Doctor Kakaulina includes: epilepsy and other proximal disorders of children’ age, cognitive and behavioral disorders, dyskinesia (cerebral spastic infantile paralysis, delay of motor development, tics), hereditary diseases of the nervous system.
Viktoria takes part in scientific conferences and congresses, and has publications in Russian and foreign journals.
Russian, English.
Лобанова (Какаулина) Виктория