
In 2016  graduated from the Donetsk National Medical University named after M. Gorky with a degree in Pediatrics. In 2017 completed residency in the specialty Pediatrics in Donetsk at the National Medical University named after M. Gorky and Children's Clinical Center of Donetsk region. In 2018 underwent professional retraining courses in Ultrasound diagnostics at the Department of Oncology, Radiation Methods of Diagnostics and Treatment of the Donetsk National Medical University named after M. Gorky.

Has ultrasound diagnostics and pediatrics certificates.

Beginning of the medical career
Starts working at EMC


In 2016-2019 worked as a pediatrician in the children's infectious diseases department and since 2018 has been working as a sonographer in the children's diagnostic department of the Children's Clinical Center in Makeevka. From 2019 to 2020 worked as a pediatrician and a sonographer at the FSBI Royal City Hospital.

Professional interests
  • Ultrasound diagnostics of kidney diseases and abdominal cavity, brain;
  • Ultrasound investigation of soft tissues, lymph nodes, organs of the scrotum, small pelvis, thyroid gland.

Russian, English.

Beginning of the medical career
Starts working at EMC
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Файко Александра
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