Davydova Irina

Davydova Irina

Ph.D. of Medical Sciences
Davydova Irina


In 2000 graduated from the Tyumen State Medical Academy inTyumen, specialty "General Medicine". In 2001 completed residency at the Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital No. 2 of Moscow. In 2003 completed residency at Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital No. 2 of Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry. In 2003 completed postgraduate studies at the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology of Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry. In 2010 underwent certification in the specialty Infectious Diseases at the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. .In 2015 has also passed a qualification exam for infectionists at the Institution of Higher Postgraduate Education Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Annually takes part in congresses dedicated to infectious diseases.

Beginning of the medical career
Starts working at EMC


2006 - 2010 - Senior Laboratory Assistant, Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology of Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry;

2010 - to date - Assistant at the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology, Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry.

2011 - 2013 - a teacher of higher education, Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after. A.I. Evdokimov of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow;

Since 2019 – works at EMC.

Professional interests

Infectious diseases, helminthiases.

Scientific works

Is an author of more than 20 publications in Russian journals devoted to epidemiological problems. Here are the most well-known ones:

Russian Journal of Skin and Sexually Transmitted Diseases "Observations of Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Moscow Tourists Visiting Tunisia and Their Successful Ketoconazole Treatment", 2005;

Russian medical journal "Socio-epidemiological problems and the main issues of pathology and chemotherapy of helminthiasis of the digestive system", 2007;

Russian medical journal "Case of photodermatitis caused by inadequate use of glycol peeling with subsequent tanning in the tropics", 2015

Beginning of the medical career
Starts working at EMC
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Давыдова Ирина
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Moles and Vascular Growths on the Body and Limbs
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21 January 2019
Jaw osteonecrosis
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