Batkaeva Nadezhda

- Adults and children
Сertified trainer for the use of botulinum toxin type A (lantox) in cosmetology. Her thesis was devoted to the improvement of regulated diagnostics, treatment and prevention of serum resistance in syphilis. She is currently working on her doctorate, which deals with the problems of diagnosis and treatment of neurosyphilis.
She is an assistant professor of the clinical mycology dermatovenereology faculty for advancing qualifications of medical staff at the People's Friendship University of Russia. Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council at the People's Friendship University.
Expert in the field of allergic diseases, STD, dermatological surgery of benign skin, immune correction of various dermatoses and STD.
Co-author of a guide for physicians «Immunotherapy» and «Cosmetology» and the textbooks «Urogenital chlamydia» and «HPV infection».
Russian, English.
Баткаева Надежда
Баткаева Надежда