Altshuler Natavan

- Adults only
In 1995 graduated from medical school №22 of Moscow in specialty "General Nursing." In 1998 started her studies at the evening department at SMU of Russian Ministry of Health. In 2004 became the winner of the Student Conference named after Pirogov, for writing a paper "The problem with the amputation of diabetic foot syndrome." From 2005 to 2007 she underwent clinical residency at Moscow Health Department at the Department of Endocrinology of Moscow Medical Academy named after Sechenov on the basis of the 2nd Endocrinology Department of State Clinical Hospital № 67 named after L.A.Vorohobov. In October 2012, she successfully defended her thesis on the topic "The role of hormones of adipose tissue in the development of cardiovascular disease in women with subclinical hypothyroidism."
She worked as a nurse in the intensive care unit of State Clinical Hospital №15. Since 2007 worked as an endocrinologist in State Hospital № 67 named after L.A.Vorohobova. She worked as an endocrinologist in the office of training patients with diabetes.
Author and co-author of several publications on endocrinology in Russian scientific journals.
Альтшулер Натаван