Alexeeva Inna

- Adults and children
Graduated from the medical faculty of Moscow Institute of Medicine and Dentistry named after N.A. Semashko in 1987 in the specialty of “General medicine”, and completed her internship in the specialty “Obstetrics and Gynecology” at Gynecological hospital No.5.
In 2017 she completed the training program of La Muette Clinic, Paris, in the following areas: modern technologies in obstetrics; safe anesthesia in childbirth; emergency obstetric care (hemorrhage, eclampsia, emergency cesarean section); surgical methods of delivery (caesarean section according to Stark, vacuum extraction), early rehabilitation after cesarean section; protocols for the management of labor with a uterine scar, with intrauterine growth restriction; labor induction; the tactics of conducting preterm labor, preparation of the cervix in preterm labor and a prolonged labor.
Since 1988 she has been working as a obstetrician-gynecologist in the Moscow maternity hospital №26 as a head of the pathologic pregnancy department.
Doctor Alexeeva has the unique experience in pregnancy and childbirth management in women with congenital thrombophilia, cervical incompetence, as well as experience in vaginal childbirth in multiple pregnancy and breech presentation. Her professional interest is endocrinology in obstetrics and gynecology. She specializes in pregnancy and childbirth management in patients with thyroid diseases when the thyroid gland was removed.
Doctor Alexeeva is an experienced surgeon, skilled in the entire spectrum of operative techniques in obstetrics.
Алексеева Инна