Forget snoring!
Snoring is one of the sleep disorders that significantly reduces the quality of life and can lead to serious complications.
Snoring is often accompanied by pauses in breathing during sleep (obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA)), that may not be noticed by many people. In severe forms of snoring with apnea, there may be up to 400-500 respiratory stops per night with a total duration of up to 3-4 hours, leading to acute and chronic lack of oxygen.
Among other complications:
  • arterial hypertension (increased blood pressure),
  • decreased potency in men (a pronounced disturbance in the structure of sleep leads to a decrease in testosterone production),
  • various types of reflux (reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus, pharynx and larynx).
A decrease in sleep quality may also be indicated by:
  • noisy breathing during the sleep,
  • severe daytime sleepiness,
  • frequent awakenings and unrefreshing sleep,
  • frailty in the morning.
People who snore often have a low or hoarse voice due to chronic trauma to the structures of the pharynx during snoring. In addition, snoring affects not only those who snore, but also those who cannot sleep nearby.
Whom should I address to?
An integrated approach is important in diagnosing the causes of snoring. Our sleep disorders diagnostic program includes the following medical consultations:
  • neurologist,
  • otorhinolaryngologist,
  • orthodontist,
as well as the following investigations:
  • multispiral CT of the paranasal sinuses,
  • sleep endoscopy (examination of the upper respiratory tract during sleep),
  • polysomnography (registration of the most important body functions during sleep),
  • endoscopic examination of ENT organs.


Performs advanced diagnostics of sleep quality using polysomnography, the gold standard in the diagnostics of sleep disorders. The duration of the study is 8-9 hours, it is carried out in the clinic.
ENT doctor
Performs diagnostics of the upper respiratory tract to identify anatomical defects in the nasal cavity, oropharynx and laryngopharynx that provoke snoring. To visualize the snoring process, doctors use sleep endoscopy (an endoscopic examination of the upper respiratory tract during sleep).


Carries out diagnostics of malocclusion, as the incorrect position of the teeth can cause snoring, as well as bruxism - teeth grinding when sleeping.
Is it possible to cure snoring? Yes, it is! Having established the cause, our doctors help to get rid of snoring and its complications quickly and safely using modern proven techniques: CPAP and BiPAP therapy (devices for regulating breathing during sleep), orthodontic treatment (occlusion correction), surgical correction of ENT pathologies. Treatment is selected individually.
The cost of the program is 1897 euros. Payment in rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank on the day of payment.
To sign up for a consultation, call +7 495 933 66 55, ext. (4648)
